5. Reunited

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Damien's POV

"Damien?" Her soft voice asked as she looked at me, her eyes glossing over.

"I never thought I'd see you again. You're still wearing my necklace?" I chuckled weakly.

"Yeah," she smiled holding it in her hand "Hardly ever take it off"

Her comment made my heart melt, its been a good seven years since I've seen her and she still wears it around her neck, like its moulded to her. She has changed, but for the better, her green eyes were slightly hidden by her baby hairs that didnt make it in to her messy bun. She had smoky eye make up on that made her features stand out, neat eyeliner and burgundy red lipstick. Silver hoop earings hung from her ears, matching the silver of my necklace. She wore a tank top that showed of her cleavage and as much as i hated to say it, i was immediately protective of her.

I hated seeing her body on display like that and it made me want to hurt anyone who looked at her in a negative way. I knew it was probably helpful in getting extra money from the many drunk men that would sit at the bar over the course of her working week.

"What are you doing working at a bar?" I asked, curiously. Hugo had told me she worked for Harmony Enterprises. I was impressed to hear that it was my Emily working at Harmony, it's a very hard place to get a job at, especially as a woman in her early twenties. Most Harmony employees are middle age and men.

"I need the money" She stated simply, placing the two scotch glasses infront of me and Hugo. I thanked her for the drinks before asking for a whiskey and handing her my card to run.

"Gray," i called to him, seeing him still watching the football. "Come up here, better view" I gestured towards the tv screen he was apparently glued to.

He picked up his empty glass and sat next to me, putting it on the bar and turning his head slightly to watch the game.

"A whiskey?" Emily questioned as she brought the glass over and took the empty one away to clean.

Nudging Grayson, i gave him a look, telling him the drink was his. He simply nodded his head in thanks and returned his attention the the football game. I rolled my eyes as he lost himself in the game again, typical.

"Emily," Hugo called, grabbing her attention from the sink "How do you know Damien?"

She looked down, still clearly hurt by my sudden departure. I would be lying if i said that i didn't feel the same way. I left so suddenly, we did get a chance to say goodbye but it still felt so rushed. I tried my best to stay in contact with her but it cost alot of money to even message her, and when i tried before i left for the airport, i was too scared. Scared that she wouldn't pick up, scared that i would spill all the feelings that i had for her and make my leaving so much harder.

"We were friends at school" She said, looking at me, smiling.

"Until i left," I added "We were basically attached at the hip. Going everywhere together. Getting in to trouble together. "

She laughed at my comment, the first real laugh from her I've heard in years. It made my heart swell with love, love that i thought i had suppressed all these years ago. Love for the woman now standing in front of me. And it was clear i wasn't the only one, Hugo was listening to her intently, hanging off her every word, a huge smile plastered on his face. Grayson had turned his attention to her, looking her up and down as she spoke.

"Like that maths teacher that always had it out for me" she groaned as she put the glass away.

"Mrs Green!" I laughed, remembering her coming to my house that day and bragging that she got out of detention. I still don't know how she did it, and neither does she.

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