22. Drain*

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Emily's POV

I woke up in the early hours of the morning, unable to move. Slowly moving my head to the side, i remembered that Grayson had moved me and cuddled me to sleep last night.

I did wake up a bit from the movement but i was in no rush to make him aware i was awake.

Not that i was complaining, his company was very much appreciated, i really did need to pee. Wiggling out of his hold, he surprisingly didn't wake up, and i was able to quickly relieve myself before getting back in.

This time, i faced him as i crept back in. His warm breath kept me awake as i cuddled into him, trying to stay as still as possible.

My efforts proved a failure as Grayson opened his eyes, pulling me into hes chest as he woke up.

"Morning" I greeted, my voice grouchy with sleep, it was also the first time I'd talked all day.

All i got was a grumbled 'Morning' in response.

Expecting more, i poked his chest , lightly, but enough to prompt him. I watched with a wide smile as a small smile tugged at his own lips.

"Good morning, angel" He said clearer, pulling me back into his warm embrace.

Oh. My. God.

I had to stop myself from gasping at his morning voice. His voice was already low, but now, when he had just woken up, it was even lower.

The low voice and the accent was a recipe for disaster, "How'd you sleep?" I asked, looking up at him, not wanting to move away but still determined to hear him talk more in this voice.

"Best in years" He said clearer, looking down at me from his position. 

Even as we talked, i could tell that he spoke sincerely. I was happy that he was being honest, although it seemed like alot more needed to come off his chest.

I knew better than to force him to tell me, it would come out eventually and in his own time. I had a suspicion that he was hiding something from me, but what it was? Only time would tell.

"I'm sorry i moved you," Grayson mumbled, his head was still in my hair, one of his hands running through it as he talked.

"I-" He cut himself off with a long, heavy sigh. So, in an attempt to make him feel better, i looked up at him with a small smile, telling him without words that i was here to listen. "I just needed someone to hug"

"I'm always here to hug" I said happily, squeezing him tighter "I love hugs"

"I had to fire someone yesterday, It was meant to be my day off, I missed our date and I'm worried" He reeled off in a single breath.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, not wanting to overstep.

"Most of it is pretty self explanatory, but, I'm worried about you" He said but it sounded more like a question.

My heart pounded in my chest as my body grew still. I lay there for a few seconds trying my best to process what he had said.
Me? Had i done something wrong?

Looking up at him again, i asked "Have i upset you?"

I watched as something flashed across his eyes, and my heart sank. He was hurting.

"Not you," He breathed, closing his eyes like he was thinking of the right things to say. "My ex... she- she gave me alot of trouble"

"I am so sorry, so did mine" I added, trying to sympathize with him whith my own past

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