11. Piper

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Emily's POV

Putting my hair up, i straightened my top and took a deep breath. I rounded the corner, headed down the stairs to the main floor. I smiled at the other bartenders that were working, before walking behind the bar, and giving piper a hug. We fell out at school a lot but, when we found out we worked at the same bar, we slowly became friends again.

"Hey you" I smiled as i planted a kiss on to her cheek causing her to laugh.

"It's slow tonight," She pointed to a group of men outside in the smoking area and a smaller group of women, most likely on a night out "The men want the pool room but someone's booked in for 8, i don't think they are going to turn up though"

"If its booked for Y.Smith he never turns up. They never do. Just put them on the smaller room and leave the bigger one empty for now. If this mystery group shows, they can have the big room. If they don't turn up by 8:20, give the group the big room" I advised, pointing to the rooms as i spoke.

"Good idea" She smiled as she walked over to the men.

I knew those guys, they were regulars. James, Andy, John, Luke and Frank they came in almost every other day to play pool. They were lovley men but i still kept a close watch on Piper, you never know what might happen.

"Hey, what can i get you?" I smiled as a girl from the group by the speakers came up to the bar.

"Three Cokes and Three peach ciders please" She asked politely, it was immediately obvious to me that they had sent her up because she was the moat sober of her friends.

"Yeah no problem," I smiled, grabbing some glasses "You having fun?"

"Yeah, much needed time away from our partners" She giggled, playing with the place mat on the bar.

"Wish i had a partner" I mumbled as i passed her the drinks she ordered.

Unfortunately for me, i didn't mumble softly enough "You don't have a boyfriend?" She gasped "Look at you!"

I laughed at her attempt to make me feel better about my situation but she didn't know how much of a predicament i was in.

"Well, it's a long-ish story" I answered as i helped her carry the drinks to the table with her friends.

"Dick trouble" She said as she sat doen down at the table, pointing to me.

A chorus of worried drunk thoughts and advice came from every direction, catching me by surprise.

"Who is it!"

"We'll sort him out"

"You don't need him"

"Them" I corrected, earning a loud gasp from the group, followed by cheers and claps.


"How many!"

"I knew it!"

"I like them all but don't know if it's right" I said to the group once the theatrics had died down.


"Do it!"

"More dick the merrier!"

"I have two boyfriends"

"Really?" I asked one of the girls, looking way too eager.

"Yeah, it's been three years almost. I love them both and they love me. It's perfect"

After more conversation about men, the first girl gave me her number and made a groupchat for us. They were so sweet to me. But the other girls wprds stuck in my mind, her words were like music to my ears, they were what i really needed to hear, not Angelina's. Maybe i should ask Piper aswell just for even more peace of mind.

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