28. Jealousy

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Emily's POV

I had warned Hugo that Angelina was giving me trouble. But, I was reserved telling him about the letter. I was just going to show him after work.

Our talk yesterday consisted of me telling him that Angelina was giving me more trouble and what Hugo found out.

Hugo told me that he looked into it after Angelina and I had had our first fight. He found that Angelina had a strong disliking for me but only talked to our boss and didn't talk to her directly.

'Your boss doesn't seem to like her either.'

'Next time something happens, point her out'

So I have a plan to avoid her at all costs today and show Hugo the letter after. Bumping into Angelina isn't on my to do list.

From the looks of my schedule, today would be a simple day. I might even finish early if everything hurries along.

After I was dropped into work, I made a b-line for my desk, wanting to avoid everyone until I chose to talk. I walked with purpose, trying my hardest not to bump into anyone I didn't want to have a conversation with.

The walk from Hugo's car to work was long as he couldn't find parking outside. This made me upset but it was unavoidable, especially early in the morning.

This meant i was slightly late for work and didn't have time to go to the staff room before my shift started.

It was alot warmer today, the sun breaking the clouds was a nice change from the cold. I decided that I needed to bring a coat just incase the weather changed but I hasn't worn it. I had a suspicion i would at some point though.

I warmly smiled at my friend as the doors opened, leading me into the main area. She knew about my feelings towards Angelina and she knew about Angelina's hatred for me. Her job, as she has given herself if to try and keep the peace between us. She will tell me anything Angelina has said about me or anything she is planning. Which helps alot, the only problem i have with it is that she might get into trouble for it.

"Already a line", She said to me as I reached her.

"I was hoping to finish early", I sighed. Seeing the line, there was no chance now.

Putting my bag down beside me, I decided that because I was behind a desk, I was allowed to take off my shoes. My feet hurt and I wasn't in the mood to be uncomfortable whilst I worked.

I let out a long, silent sigh as my body relaxed against the chair, closing my eyes for a second.

"You have no time to be sleeping on the job," A male voice said.

My eyes opened only for a short man, just tall enough to see over the counter, to be stood at my desk. I had to hold in my laugh.

"I'm sorry, sir" I smiled "How can I help you?"

"By not falling asleep on the job. There's a start". He grumbled.

I grit my teeth together as I smiled at him, my smile was anything but polite. "Yes, sir"

He was taken back by my tone but I don't care. He could've just told me what he wanted and left but apparently he also had to have a go at me for closing my eyes.

"I need to get into my meeting room. Big sales pitch". He smiled, as if he hadn't just talked to me like that.

"Ah yes Mr," I searched my works calendar for his name. "Mr Crane".

Mr Crane sent me another smile, nodding to confirm his name.

"Room 194"

"How do I get there?" He asked, the rude, snappy tone returning.

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