26. Aftercare

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Emily's POV

Sub drop. Something i had read about in my free time when exploring BDSM, what to expect when entering sub drop and ways to care for it. I also knew a bit about dom drop and ways to help them through it. It was something that peaked my interest, being cared for after a scene. Properly cared for.

My dominant ,or dominants, could ease the mental pain or even physical pain after a scene. They took care of me so easily, manoeuvring my aching body slowly and carefully into the positions of their desire.

Right now, i was going through all the possible emotions whilst being comforted by my three boyfriends.

Sadness. Happiness. Guilt. Hurt. Tiredness. I was a mess.

"Shhhh it's okay, princess"  Hugo comforted as i was sat on his lap, facing him.

He was kneeling on the cold tiled floor, me on his lap, as he stroked my hair gently rocking us from side to side.

My body moulded into Hugo's grasp as he held me tight, wiping away my fresh tears with his hand. As my breathing got back to normal, i let myself fully lean against him, not paying attention to how sweaty we both were.

"Love?" Damien questioned as he and Grayson walked into the room, "Do you nedd help getting in the bath? We need to clean you"

I took note of how Damien and Grayson were both fully dressed and whilst Hugo had only put on a pair of sweatpants, i felt even more vulnerable to them.

Desperately trying to gain some of my independence, i lifted my arm up.. well, tried. My arm barely moved, not even lifting off of Hugo before i gave up, tears welling again in my eyes.

Looking up at Damien with tears threatening to fall, i said "Help me". My voice cracked as i broke down into another round of tears and i was quickly lifted off of Hugo and brought into a tight, bone-crushing hug.

"It's okay," The voice was Grayson, but i knew he wasn't the one hugging me, his voice came from my left. "We're here to help"

I was carefully lowered into the bath, the warm, bubbly water making my bruised and battered body melt from the comfort. It was pure bliss, after such a tiring scene, being given a warm bath and being showered with affection.

A soft hum left my lips as i felt someone get in behind me. Their arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my back onto their chest. As the tattoos drawn on chocolate skin caught my eyes, i let out a sigh of contentment. It was Grayson.

Grayson was getting so much better at being affectionate, and it was little things, like being cuddled in the bath that my heart swelled at.

"Hmmm" I hummed, my eyes closing as i was washed carefully by the other two men.

They took their time making sure i was fully clean, going above and beyond to make me happy and comfortable. The scent of lavender filled the air as Hugo squirted more bubble bath into the bath.

"This feels amazing" I quietly mumbled, too lost in this moment to be embarrassed by what i was saying. My eyes closed, the feeling of bliss taking over.

"Angel, lift your hips" Grayson instructed from behind me and albeit hesitant, i did as asked, lifting my hips up so that i could be cleaned underneath.

I heard Damien grunt a curse as he tried to lift my leg up more, pushing my already hurt body into uncomfortable positions.

"Ahh" The soft cry left my lips as my knee hit my chest. There was certainly a better way to get this done.

My leg was lowered as Grayson grabbed my hips, turning me around to face his chest.  Wrapped my arms around him, very thankful that my position was changed. To their credit, the bath was small and cramped with me and Grayson in it.

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