23. Secret

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Emily's POV

I cursed as the alarm i set woke me up, wanting to go back to sleep. My couple booked days off had ended and it was time to go back to work. Yay.

As much as i hated the job, answering phones wasn't as hard and on the plus side, i might even see Hugo around.

The shower in Grayson's room was warmer so i snuck out of Damiens room and across the hallway to his room. I knew he was out, he said goodbye at 11 last night and it was no surprise that he was at the gym again.

His room was spotless as i walked in, the scent of cigarettes hit my nose making me gag a little but otherwise not really bothering me.

Humming to myself, i switched on the hot water, letting the soap bubbles wash down the drain. The scent of lavender and coconut filled the room as i turned off the shower and stepped out onto the cold tiled floor.


I shivered as the cold floor of the office met with my thin shoes. As much as i adored dressing fancy for work, i didn't have the energy and i was still sore from Grayson the other day.

I wore baggy ,but not crazy big, suit trousers, white shirt and a matching suit jacket. My hair was put up into a neat but quick bun, some strands still falling over my face.

My shoes were simple and flat. They were black and worked well with the dark green suit.

As i sat behind my desk, coffee in hand and low hopes for an easy day, the first of many walked up to my desk. I put on a fake smile as an elderly man walked slowly to me, a small peice of paper shaking in his frail hand.

"I was told to give this to a Miss Emily Grant" He smiled, clearly oblivious he was talking to the receiver of the letter.

"I will deliver it to her personally" I smiled at him, taking the letter from him and placing it behind the counter.

Thoughts swam in ny mind as the letter stared up at me, teasing me with its fancy writing on the front. My name has never looked so neat, especially not when I've written it.

As i studied the handwriting, the curves and curles stood out on the letters and i immediately knew who this letter was from.


She was the only person i knew thay curled her letters as fancy as she does. But, why was she sending me a letter?

Being unable to deny myself knowing what it said, i opened it behind the desk when the que i had accumulated died down.

The envelope ripped open easily and quietly as i slid out the letter inside.

My heart stopped.

Dear Emily,

Keep away from them.
They belong to me and Tori.
Know your place.
This is your last warning.
That was meant to be us with them not you.

Watch your back.

"Oh my god" I breathed. The words written haunted me as i stared at them. I knew this was Angelina, she already had a problem with them just knowing me but now I was dating them, surely this was her doing.

All i needed to figure out was, who was Tori?

And luckily, i knew exactly who to ask.

After letting my boss know i was going to the 'bathroom', i pushed my chaor out, anger brewing inside me. I've never been threatened before and i was sure as hell was going to make sure it didn't happen again.

Storming into the staff room, i thew open the door, locking eyes with Angelina.

"What is this?!" I shouted, throwing the letter into her lap. I allowed her a second or two to realise what i was talking about before talking again.

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