24. Punishment pt1*

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Hugo POV

Disappointed was an understatement.

When Parker told me that he saw Emily walk into the staff room and not come out, i was worried. Especially as the sound of screaming came from the room not long after.

However, as Parker opened the door the colour drained from my face, there was my innocent girlfriend, ontop of someone who was screaming. She better have a good explanation for this.

"You have to explain what i saw," I said calmly to her as she sat on my lap, cuddling me.

Admittedly, i was surprised to see her breakdown like this. She had been caught hitting someone who was screaming, it was out of character for her to do this.

"Come on, talk to me" I prompted again, desperate to know what happened in there.

"She hit me first" Her broken voice came through a sob.

"So it was self-defense?" I asked, i knew it was for a good reason but part of me just wanted her to confirm it.

"Yes! Yes yes, i promise" She whispered, her face still hidden in my shoulder.

"Why did you need to defend yourself? What made her attack you?" I asked. Emily wasn't the kind of girl to get into fights.

"She called me names and threatened me" Emily whispered, her breathing beginning to calm.

As much as i loved cuddling her, this position was becoming uncomfortable. I was sat in the drivers seat of my car, with her on my lap, facing the door.

Driving like this wasn't the best idea so i decided to talk sweetly to her in an attempt to make her calm down so we could get home.

"Now that i know it wasn't your fault, i won't punish you" I whispered, kissing her forehead sweetly.

I will get to the bottom of this. I can talk to my boss and Emily's boss and find out what's happening.

That seemed to do the trick as her breathing grew normal, her sobbing stopped and she soon enough fell asleep.

As i moved her back onto her side of the car, she stirred but luckily went back to sleep.

Lifting her small sleeping body out of the car, i walked up the stairs to our apartment, not wanting the voice on the elevator to wake her up.


"Please can i?" I heard Emily's sweet voice carry through the room as i walked from the shower to the front room where they seemed to be.

"I suppose you can of you go and ask Hugo aswell"

"Ask me what?" I asked, leaning against the door frame, my eyebrows raised, waiting for a question.

"Can i please, have a bowl of icecream? Please?" She asked, walking towards me, engulfing me in a hug. Naturally, i hugged her back, my eyes closing from inhaling her scent.

"Of course you can princess" I whispered into her hair as we let go of eachother.

As she walked away from me,  i couldn't help but give her ass a playful smack as she turned away from me.

"Hey!" She shouted, laughing and walking away into the kitchen.

After Emily spooned out her, very large, scoop of chocolate icecream, we all sat on the sofa to watch a movie.

Unsurprisingly, Damien was the one to pick the movie, if he picked the movie, he was more likely to stay. I felt the same way, but i was in cute company.

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