9. Dinner

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Emily's POV

I was gently awoken by someone undoing my seatbelt and picking me up bridal style.

"Hey there sleepy" I heard Hugo coo as i shifted in my drowsy state, opening my eyes slightly.

"Morning" I joked as he put me down, allowing me to walk into the restaurant by myself.

I nodded in thanks as Hugo opened the door from me, putting one hand behind his back in a cute attempt to look like like a gentleman. As we walked in to the restaurant i was amazed by it's beauty. I had truly never seen a more astonishing place.

For as long as i had been in this measly town, i had never seen somewhere so beautiful. The lights from the celing shone against the crystals that hung around the chandeliers, each individual crystal creating a stain glass effect on parts of the wall where the light hit. I marveled at the wooden dividers that sectioned the main floor into seating areas and the bar. They were floor to ceiling dividers, with holes on them at different heights, each space holding either a small white potted plant or an obviously fake candle. The walls matched the basic but elegant look of the space with light gray and white walls some of them being accompanied by a fake vine or fairy lights to add to the plant decor.

As we walked towards the front of house desk, Grayson wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling my back hard against his chest. I yelped in surprise, earning a light chuckle from Damien as he looked over at me.

"Table under Wright" Damien stated, looking around the room as he spoke.

I was about to open my mouth and tell him to use his manners, looking sround the roon whilst talking to someone is rude. Before i got the chance to talk, Damien spoke again.

"I like what you've done to the place Jasper" He complimented smiling at him as Jasper took a step out from behind the desk and thanked him, grabbing four menus as he passed.

"Jasper?" I questioned under my breath. Where had i heard that name before? Damien sent me a smile as he followed Jasper down the hallway.

As we walked to out table, i made a mental note of the direction of the toilets and the bar incase anything happened. It was unlikely anything was going to go wrong but should something happen, i want to be prepared.

Grayson kept his vice like grip on my waist as we walked. I tried to make small talk with him but i soon found out he preferred to walk in silence. I understood that and insted looked to the tables we passed, intrigued by what they had ordered.

Walking past one table, i craned my neck back to see what one woman had ordered as i was hit by the sickening scent of oysters and lemons. Yuk. Oysters was a food that i was not a fan of and by the disgusted look on Hugo's face, i wasn't alone in my thoughts.

"Here we are" Jasper said sweetly, gesturing towards our table.

It was decorated the same way as everyone else's, a white table cloth with a grey triangle cloth draping over it. A small fake candle and vase with a plant in it in the middle of the table.

I was still in Grayson's grip so i grabbed his hands, attempting to pull him off me so that i could sit down. He let out a soft, low, barely audible groan but reluctantly let me go.

I smiled in thanks and sat down at a chair near the window, letting the other's pick their chairs. Hugo sat next to me, Grayson across from me and Damien sat next to Grayson.

I had always loved the window seat anywhere, i loved the escape that it gave me. To be able to look at the passers by and forget what was happening in the room. I did it alot at school, so much so i believe myself to be a professional.

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