14. Control*

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Hugo's POV

"Alright princess, last thing we have to do is sign out names" I said looking at her.

She was fidgeting in her chair again and only stopped when i gave her a pointed look. I can understand her nervousness but she really needed to be more aware of that we were discussing.

I was the first to sign the paper, then Damien, Grayson and Emily. And it was done. She was ours.

Surprisingly, Grayson was the first to break the silence by addressing her fidgeting. "Why are you moving?"

I watched her curiously as she ushered Grayson down to her mouth as she mumbled something softly in to his ear. He smirked back at her, turning to us as we both sat there waiting for him to speak.

"Someone got very turned on by this chat" He told us.

I looked at Emily, a soft rosy blush covering her cheeks. She attempted to bury her face in her hands but Grayson peeled her hands away, giving her a look.

Damien and i were quick to stand up as Grayson turned her chair around to face us. I saw Grayson stand up from the corner of my eye as i watched Emily with hungry eyes.

I was standing in the middle, Grayson on my right and Damien on my left. She was trapped and i don't think she minded one bit.

"What should we do with you now baby girl?" Damien asked her in a teasing tone. He knew exactly what we were going to do but wanted to hear her answer.

"Touch me, daddy?" She asked with a trembling voice, she looked nervous but her eyes were clouded with lust as were ours.

"Where?" I whispered, taking a step closer to her, her legs instantly spreading for me. Good girl.

"U-um" She whimpered, as i sunk to my knees, my hands tracing up and down her thigh.

As much as i loved the effect i was having on her body, i wouldn't let her get away easily with ignoring my question. I stopped tracing when she stopped talking and i think she picked up on it and started to speak again.

"My pussy, sir" She whispered, most likely embarrassed from having to tell me directly but i love it.

I was very tempted to make her do it herself but she was new to this and i didn't want to scare her. Not yet.

"What do you want me to touch you with pretty girl? My hands or my tounge?" I asked as i looked up at her.

I saw Grayson and Damien walk to her other side, Grayson was pulling her dress straps down as Damien was playing with her hair as a comfort.

I couldn't help but enjoy watching Emily's eyes shut slightly as Grayson pulled her dress down to her stomach and immediately cupped one of her breasts in his large hand.

Over the years, i had noticed that unless Grayson was doing a scene or punishing someone, he was astonishingly gentle. The way he played with her breast was so gentle, like he would break her if he went any rougher.

"Your tounge please sir" Emily answered, opening her eyes just enough to look at me before closing them again.

"Good girl" I cooed, i was hoping that was what she would say.

Wasting no time, i gathered her dress and pulled it over her hips. No being completely exposed, her eyes re-opened. This was an entirely new territory for her and, if I'm being honest, everything she has done so far has surprised me.

The way she lets go so easily, the way she lifts her hips or spreads her legs with no second thought. Emily is a naturally submissive woman and, although she has a huge attitude, she does what she's told first time.

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