31. Story

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Emily's POV

I stared up at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity as she walked towards me. My eyes caught a large spider crawling around in an even larger web. He, I assumed it was a male spider as his body was small, but his legs were long, and he was busy making his web larger; every to catch prey.

I looked away from the spider, a shiver running down my spine and making a mental note to stay on the other side of the room. If I had the choice, that is.

After i regained focus on the new situation at hand, my mind started thinking of many questions. And as i mentally asked them, the thought of Angelina moving country just to get at me was something I could definitely see her doing.

Angelina could easily minipulate the situation to make herself seen as the victim. At school, when we were 12, maybe a little older, we had gotten into a heated argument.

What we argued over, i have no idea, but I do remember that she gave me a very nast cut on my lip from how hard she hit me back. I tried my best to get her off me and hit her again, but it was no use.

The crowd that had circled us was not on my side from what I can remember. Her name was chanted over and over again as i was hit repeatedly. the time that a teacher had come to my aid, Angelina had started fake crying and pointed me as the bad guy.

Thinking of the fight, tears pricked my vision. I licked my bottom lip, remembering how I had licked my lip so many times as it healed.

This was eerily similar, and i didn't like it one bit because i knew that once again, she would try and play the victim if I got out of here and reported her. I took a shaky deep breath, trying my best to calm myself down so she couldn't see me getting upset.

Closing my eyes, I thought about my guys, what they must be doing now, and praying they would be here soon. That they were just as worried as I was. That I would be in their arms again.

I had imagined them breaking down the door and carrying me to freedom more times than I cared to admit.

If they were on their way, anytime now would be amazing. The ties were uncomfortable, the room was horrid, and the meal portions were awfully small. I chuckled to myself as I imagined Angelina was a hotel owner, and I was writing a review of my stay.

'0 stars. Small meals, tied up, beaten, and no contact with the outside world.'

As Angelina opened her mouth to speak again, I made a small noise of discomfort. I ached terribly, and all I wanted was to sit down. But, the ties were making it basically impossible.

She let out a sigh, closing her eyes as she did.

"It's very simple, sweetie." She gave me a fake smile as she opened one of the other boxes, pulling out what looked like a very old blanket and various other items.

I watched her as she walked to the other side of the room, putting the blanket down on the floor along with the other items. "There's a reason no one saw me around after Damien left."

My eyebrows furrowed from her statement, I was still fixated on her decorating as she talked.

"I moved with him. Whether he knew it or not, "

"Why?" I whispered, loud enough for her to hear me across the room.

I loved him. " She stared at me with a hatred in her eyes I had not seen before.

She looked at me unblinking as she walked towards me, her steps fast but not hurried. It was hypnotic to watch her walk to me so smoothly yet, robotically, at the same time.

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