6. Closer

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Emily's POV

It was cold in Damien's room, i had my tank top on and i was wearing a pair of his joggers i found in his wardrobe but they weren't doing much. I was constantly tossing and turning, unable to find a comfortable and warm position. Turning over for the hundredth time since i woke up, i decided to look at the clock and felt like crying as i did so. The clock read 1:37 AM. This means i have been asleep for maybe an hour since i finish work and came here.

I was brought out of my misery by a creaking noise coming from outside the bedroom door. I thought the best idea was to pretend to be asleep, so i hid my body under the covers, leaving my head and one arm sticking out. I closed my eyes and stayed as still as i could, however, i felt myself tence up as the bedroom door opened.

"Emily," A voice called quietly "It's only me" I rolled my eyes in my head, who is me? Can't they be more specific?

The lack of accent led me to believe it was Damien and i was correct as i opened my eyes. Standing at the side of the bed was a shirtless and very handsome looking Damien. I couldn't help but stare at his body as he looked at me, he was so confident in his body that he didn't feel the need to wear a t-shirt when being around me.

"Is it okay?" I heard Damien ask, looking at me, waiting for an answer. Shit.

"Is what okay?" I asked, shaking my head to free my head of anymore thoughts of him.

He chuckled, realising that i wasn't listening to him at all "Can i sleep in here? The sofa is too cold"

I nod laughing, "This room isn't that much warmer. You'll be disappointed"

He pulled back the cover and climbed in next to me, he shivered "Idea," he started "It'll be warmer if we cuddle"

I look at him with tired eyes, ready to be warm and sleep. I don't say anything but just chuckle before rolling over so that he is behind me.

"It won't work" I sigh

"You don't know if you don't try" His deep voice came from behind me as he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest with a grunt.

I gasp escaped my lips from the sudden contact and i felt myself melt into his warm embrace. His arms were much larger than mine, and because he was so tall, his arms covered most of my stomach. He was warm and i was starting to feel warm too, maybe this will work after all.

"Better?" He teased from behind me, his hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine as he talked.

"Mhm" Was all i could say in response, his voice and actions doing so much too me at once. My eyes started to close, my need to sleep growing by the second. However I was snapped awake by his voice.

"I missed you" I heard him say barely above a whisper.

Needing to know if he was being genuine or not, i wriggled in his hold until we were facing each other. He still had a hold on me, but he wasn't holding on so tight.

"I missed you more" I smiled, looking him in the eyes so he knew i wasn't lying.

"I'm so happy that i found you again," He said smiling like a mad man.

"Me too" I smiled back at him.

The world seemed to stop. Everything was moving in slow motion and without being able to process what was happening, i kissed him.

His lips were soft on mine as we kissed. They were as perfect as they looked and i felt as if i could kiss him all day and never get tired. His hands roamed up to my hair giving it a slight pull causing me to gasp. My gasp gave him the opportunity to slip his tounge in to the kiss, taking full control of me.

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