4. Angel

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Hugo's POV

My heart almost stopped as me and Mr Richards entered the main entrance to Harmony Enterprises. The woman sat at the desk, was beautiful. She had black hair that was tied up in a low ponytail with baby hair perfectly framing her face. She had a soft jawline and emerald green eyes. Her bottom lip was between her teeth as she typed something on her computer, her eyebrows were furrowed as she concentrated. As we got closer, i couldn't help but notice the silver compass necklace she was wearing, it looked brand new. I was shiny and sat on the top of her chest, just above her dark blue dress.

"Hello, Clive" She smiled giving him a firm but friendly handshake.

Her voice was as beautiful as i imagined, she had a very soft voice, almost angelic.

"Emily, this is Mr Thomas" He announced as he held his hand out, gesturing towards me.

Emily. The name suited her perfectly. I gave her a small smile as she looked my way.

"Would Mr Thomas be joining you regularly?" She asked Mr Richards as she looked back at him before typing again on the computer in front of her.

"He will be, yes" He confirmed, nodding his head at her.

"Mr Thomas," She started, straightening her back and pushing some baby hairs back "Can i get your first name? For the system"

I looked her in he eyes as i answered confidently "Hugo"

As we made out way on to the elevator and up to Mr Owen's floor, she tried to make small talk with me, it was sweet.

"So, Mr Thomas, how long have you worked for Mr Richards?" She questioned me, having to look up because i was still taller than her, even with heels on. Adorable.

"Only a few days beautiful" I smiled down at her, winking.

"How long have you lived in England?" Her soft voice spoke as she looked up at me.

"Three months, moved from Australia with some friends of mine"

"You and your friends moved from sunny Australia to gloomy old England?"  She chuckled as i rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"One of us used to live here, decided to come back and get away from busy Sydney" I chuckled in response, shrugging my shoulders and leaning against the wall behind me.

The elevator dinged, the doors opening with a loud creak. I looked back at Emily and she looked only at Mr Richards. "His office is at the end of the hall Mr Richards" She said politely looking at him. I let my eyes wander as i stood waiting for Mr Richards to answer his phone. Suddenly, i was snapped out of my daze as we made eye contact, she made sure i was looking at her as she looked me up and down. I still watched her, entranced as she pressed the button for the elevator to go down, looking at the floor as the doors slowly closed.

"I'll knock," Mr Richards said as we approached Mr Owen's office. I only nodded in response, my mind still occupied with Emily.

"In" A low voice called from inside the office and Mr Richards pushed the large wooden doors open.

The doors creaked open and the room inside was dimly lit by the windows lining the walls. There was a huge, long, wooden table in the middle of the room, chairs surrounding each side. Mr Owen's chair was ,unsurprisingly, in the middle and larger than the others. Not only did it look fancier but it had a taller back, probably so everyone knew who was in charge.

Mr Owen's looked up from the paperwork he was looking at and stood up as he made eye contact with Mr Richards. He smiled at him as they shook hands.

Wow, he can smile? He always seemed so grumpy.

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