10. Angelina

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Emily's POV

As the taxi pulled to the front entrance of Harmony Enterprises, i sighed, wishing i didn't have to go in. My time with the guys was so much fun and i truly never wanted it to end. But, all good things must come to an end and that's why I'm at work and not with them watching a movie.

Hearing the taxt driver clear his throat, i pulled out the exact money fornhim and passed it to the front with a smile. He nodded in thanks before unlocking the doors for me and letting me back out.

I hauled my bag over my shoulder, straightening my pencil skirt, and walked to the main doors. My heels clicked on the stone steps as i walked up and i took note of how eerily quiet it felt, especially for 8:45 in the morning. There was usually a homeless man across the street yelling for change but he wasn't there, i could hear no birds, there was no wind. The world felt.... dead.

Unfortunately, my thought changed completely the second i pushed open the door. It was like Grand Central Station in reception. There were people dotted about everywhere, most of them shouting down theor phones at the poor person on the receiving end.

I stood infron of the doors, contemplating whether or not to walk back out, to go home. I didn't want to deal with this and, being the receptionist, i was the first person they were going to see. So i would be their punching bag until they could see Mr Owens. Yay.

Clicking along the hallway, i walked to thr staff room quickly, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I wasn't going to risk 'chit chat' with these rude assholes.

"Morning everyone"  I cheerfully greeted my co-workers as i set my bag in my locker. I turned the dial so it locked securely before stepping into the 'kitchen' and grabbing a tea.

I wasn't the biggest fan of coffee, or coffee breath, so tea was the next best thing in the mornings. I was at the door or on coffee runs all day and i desperately needed the help of caffeine. Unfortunately, i don't thibk my sleep was good enough last night because i woke up just as tired.

"Heyy," I heard Angelina call as she pulled my into a hug. "How are you this morning?" She greeted smiley as always.

"Good thanks, yourself?"

"Not too bad, tired" She answered honestly, taking a long sip of coffee before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

I took a deep  breath, leaning against the countertop as i watched everyone else in the staff rom. The staffroom was small but no too small, the walls were a pale yellow colour, the paint was patchy from the various small paint touch ups over the years. The carpet had coffee stains all over it, most of them taking residence around the coffee pot and the sink. Personally, the curtains were the best things in this room, they were a light grey colour and even though they did t match the room, they were clean. it made my heart happy. I watched in dreaded anticipation as the clock ticked down to 9 o'clock, all of us let out the same groan and a few curse words as we had no choice but to leave the room and start work. 

"Break at 11:45," I told Angelina as i caught her by the door, "I need your help with something"

"Okay, I'll be here waiting for you" She smiled back ad we both stepped out of the room, we smiled one final time before separating to our duties. 

I clicked towards the front desk, my hands shaking as i did so, i wasn't good with confrontation and it looked like they all wanted a confrontation. Oh good. Pulling up my emails, i check to see if i had any new emails, thank god i only had one and it was from Mr Richards.

Opening it, it read;

Harmony Enterprises,

I would like to book another meeting with Mr Owens, i have another important idea for him regarding the newest edition of the magazine.

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