Chapter 6: The new potions professor

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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I was so annoyed with the Triwizard Tournament. This Exhausting freaking....

'But, how do you dance?', Ron asked.

'How am I supposed to know...moving my hands and legs I suppose', I said.

'I can't imagine that.. think of you dancing..', He laughed out loud.

'Shut up Ron. I don't think that you'll dance better than me'

'Potter! Weasley!', McGonagall yelled from her desk.'What so funny?'

'Nothing, professor...', we yelled back in unison.

'--For the winter break, All of you will practice the spells we learnt in the past classes, And write an essay on 'Human Transfiguration'... Now you may disperse and a very happy holiday!'

'Thank you professor, wish you the same!'

That was the last class for this year. Hermione, Ron and I were heading off to the Gryffindor common room as usual. 

'What were you two discussing in the class?', asked Hermione, she pressed that word too much.

'Nothing, Ronald just asked me, How I was gonna dance... really, unimportant.', I said.

'Y/n asked you out right?', she said.

'No, I asked her out'

'Ugh! Honestly Harry... You're so annoying sometimes', she said.

'As if you aren't...', said Ron under his breath. It was so clear to hear. And, It all happened as I expected.

'Ronald Weasley... You complete arse!... Don't try to talk with me... No assignments for you... and you too Harry!', She stormed off.

'Ron... You need to learn how to control your mind-voice...', I said smirking.

'It's not gonna work on me anyway', he said.'I thought I'd ask her for the ball!'

'Too late Ron... She's been asked already...', Y/n said. Wait, Where did she come from! '--and I can't tell you who', she added as Ron opened his mouth for the next question.

'Well, good luck finding a partner, Ron...', she wished and gave a wink at me as she left.


'It's been an hour she's gone Harry!', Ron teased me.

'I know... she's... beautiful isn't she... gorgeous... just, perfect', I said. 'I wonder how she's gonna look in the ball... I'm so lucky!'

'Uh!... come off it!', said Ron. 'I already warned you!'

'What?... I don't remember your warnings..'

'That she's...', he looked around.'You-know-who's child'

'and I already mentioned that she has a nose...She isn't Volde--'

'Don't-say-the-name!', he hissed.

'--mort's kid', I completed it anyway. Why do they fear his bloody name!

'You never understand!', he muttered angrily.

' the Divination class?', I said. This made him smile.

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