Chapter 24 : A hope in darkness

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Y/n sat alone in the common room, and Hermione accompanied her suddenly.



Hermione looked at her doubtfully. Something was odd.'Er... did Harry tell anything to you?'

'Why would he talk with me?', she said. 'And what's your plan, Granger?'

Granger? she never calls me that... Hermione thought.

'There's no plan... I-I just wanted to spend time with you'

'All of a sudden?'

Hermione swallowed. She obviously didn't want to spend time with her. She wanted to know what the hell happened to Y/n. The day she started wearing Umbridge's Inquisitorial squad badge, the day she forgot everything. The day, Dumbledore's Army was started. She doesn't know anything about the D.A. She's a member of the Inquisitorial squad.

Of course she does nothing in the squad, Hermione thought.

'Er.. What are you doing here... don't you have classes?', Y/n asked suddenly.

'Professor Vector had a bad head ache... she sent us for a break', said Hermione. '-And, I could ask you the same'

'I-I didn't feel well'

'What happened?', she asked concerned.

 'Nevermind', she said. 'I just... feel...'

'Feel what?'

'I feel weird', she said. 'Weirder'

'Something more specific?'

'Mhm... Around Potter', she said. 'His eyes...Dunno how to say'

'I see... maybe you know him in your past life', said Hermione. 'Maybe you were once close with him'

'Maybe?', she repeated. 'I was close with him?'

'Eh... I don't know', said Hermione. 'But the answer lies within you... you just have to find it... search it...'

Y/n's eyes became dizzy and dizzy, Hermione's voice trailed away with echoes., she closed her eyes. 

Harry's voice could be heard. 'You'll see'

'At least a clue?', said her own voice.

'I'm not ruining the surprise, love.. C'mon!', he said as he blindfolded her eyes, and intertwined his hand with hers.

Y/n could feel the breezy morning air, birds chirping, and no noise of the people, something which made her feel more comfortable. She couldn't wait for Harry's surprise.

'Are we there yet?', she asked, as soon as they stopped walking.

Harry hummed. He removed the blindfold, her beautiful eyelashes moved up, to her her e/c to get a clear view of what was there before.

The most perfect spot for a picnic. The best one. A small mat spread in the dewy green grass, with a couple of  y/n's favorite foods. She couldn't resist her gleeful smile. She turned to Harry who smirked silently.

'Knew you'd like it'

'Simple, secluded and stunning' , said Y/n. She threw her arms around Harry's neck, as he hugged her back. 'Best present I've ever received on my birthday'

'Oh... There's this thing...', He rummaged his pocket and pulled out a pretty box. A ring box.

'We're getting married!?'

'Oh.. so eager, aren't you?', said Harry with a smirk playing on his lips.

'Uhm... no!', she said.

'Anyways', he said. 'Just make sure, you wear this every time'. With that, he opened the box. It had a ring. It didn't have any diamonds engraved on it, just a silver band. But it was still pretty.

'Why ?'


'The Potter tongue- twisters never get old'

Y/n put it on her finger, Harry revealed his left hand wearing an identical one, looking all smug with himself. He takes Y/n's waist and spins her, then lifts his head to kiss her.

Y/n's heart beat raised at the memory. She never knew that a ring like that ever existed. Her mind raced with memories of Harry. She wasn't sure. She cannot be sure. What if Harry and her ever really dated?

'Y/n?... are you alright?'

She suddenly winced, Hermione looked at her with concern. 

'I-I'm fine, Granger', she said as she went hurriedly to her dormitory. 

Hermione knew it was a lie, and how she behaves is a myth. Imaginary, to be precise. She held all her thoughts inside, as a dull looking Harry and Ron came into view after their dreadful Divination class. She wanted her and Harry to get along again... If ever she had photos of them--- Photos!  

'That is it!', she exclaimed.

'What's it?', Ron asked. Harry looked up, confused.

'Colin Creevey!', she said happily. 

'Colin?... what's up with him?'

'Shut up for a second!', she snapped. 'Colin! get down!'

A confused looking, eyebrow raised, timid, Colin got down from the boy's dormitory with his muggle-camera hung around his neck. He gave a questioning look.


'Do us a favour, will you?', asked Hermione.

'Yeah?', he said. 'Anything'

'Good. Do you have any photos of Y/n and Harry?... I know you've got some...'

'Er.. yeah.. I did have', he said. 'Once..', he added shortly.

'Once?', repeated Hermione. 'You gave it to someone I suppose?'

'Yep.. to Fred and George'

'Fred and George?', Ron repeated. 'Why would they want pictures of---'

'ugh! Silencio! ', she said pointing her wand at Ron's mouth. Harry snorted. 'Please continue', she added to Colin.

'Uh... they wanted them, that's all I know'

'Thank you, Colin! I'll get you a bunch of treats from Honeydukes next time!', Hermione said with a smile, Colin grinned widely and went upstairs again. She turned her gaze toward, an Offended looking, mute Ron and a chortling Harry.

'You're brainier than you know, Hermione', said Harry, understanding their plan.'You better take that off him'

Hermione performed a counter curse, as she smirked at him. 

'What did he do to get treats for free!?', said Ron angrily. 'Have not I stayed with you, protected you for all these years?'

'You--- protected us?', said Hermione giggling. 'What about, Why is always spiders? why can't they be butterflies?', Hermione mocked him in his voice.

'I agree with 'Mione', said Harry.

'Traitors', Ron muttered under his breath.

'So', said Hermione.'According to our plan A, We're getting Y/n to see old photos of you and her, accidentally ', she added as Harry opened his mouth to speak. 'Then... yeah, Revive her memory'

'And , you think all that is possible with her brother and Riddle out there', said Harry.

'We're in Gryffindor common room anyway....', she said with a shrug.

'What if this fails?', asked Ron.

'Who said we don't have Plan B?', said Hermione, smirking.


 A.N: Merry christmas... Ik it's late already... but you find this story interesting?

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