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Harry's Pov~

December 20, 2007

If something could transfer the labor pain of a woman, please give it to me right now. I couldn't hear her screaming anymore, because of two reasons.

One, we're half of each other, so we must share everything, whether it's negative or positive.

Two, it's piercing my ears.

They just took Y/n with her big baby bump into the ward, where Padma was the healer. I was so nervously pacing up and down the corridor, like all the typical dad's do. I mean, it's kind of a tradition isn't it?

'Harry?', Padma called me. 'Ah, There you are!'

'Is she fine?'

'What if I tell you... that your happiness is doubled?', she said with a smile.

'What do you mean?'

'You have twins, Harry', she said. 'Congrats to you guys! they're so cute!'

'Twins?', I repeated in rhetorical form, as a smile grew on my face. 'Two girls?', I asked because I wanted a girl and she wanted a boy. 

'Nope, sadly', Padma giggled. 'A boy... and a girl!'

I wanted to rip off my shirt and scream out loudly in joy, but... well, it's a hospital, so I had to keep myself in control. Oh my God! She had twins? That's why she looked so fat.

'I-I'm out of words', I grinned. 

'Well.. go and see them!', she urged. 'Or Y/n's gonna hate you'

'Oops, I better go then, Bye Padma!', I said quickly and went into Room: 73 where Y/n cuddled herself inside the blanket and our two babies in different cradles, sleeping peacefully unlike the other cry babies.

'I won', she said, her voice was coarse. 'The bet, Harry... A boy!'

'And there's my girl!', I grinned. 'Guess we both won'

Her smile was so precious, but she looked so tired. My eyes went to our girl who was the exact copy of me, she had dark hair. Next to her was our boy, his hair was H/c just like Y/n's. Cold air blew from the opened window.

'So, what do we name them?', I asked her, rubbing my palms together. I don't care if they were just born, but I wanted to name them immediately. I know I sound like an idiot, but I don't care.

'I give you, Harry James Potter, to name the kids', she raised her hands surrendering. 

I examined the way she called me. Harry James Potter. My dad, James and My mum Lily, died saving me. 'How about, James and Lily?', I asked her. 'After mum and dad, who died saving me...'

'I'd say, it's a great idea, Harry', she said grinning just like me. 'I get to choose their middle names then!'

'Okay', I agreed. 

'Lily Zoë and James Finnick ', she said. 

'Can I ask where you stole those names?', I raised an eyebrow at her. 

'They're fictional characters who died in a book', she said as her lips turned into a thin smile. 

I looked at her hopelessly, but I didn't protest. 'The names are cute'

'I know', she nodded her head. 'Can you fetch me some juice or coffee, our kids drained all my energy'

'On it, Girl-who-Loved!', I said sarcastically. 

'Soon, I'm hungry, Potter!', she said rolling her eyes.

'Oi, You're a Potter too!', I pointed out.

'Fine, Boy-Who-Lived, no go and get me something to eat or else I'll--',

'Fuck me to death!'

'There are kids Harry! Shut your mouth!'


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