Chapter 28: Good girl, Bad blood

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(A.N: The title!! Sorry, I had to XD!)

It's been months since Harry and Y/n had ever met each other. Okay. They avoided each other. Harry hated how Y/n never saw his face or met his eyes, also, she just walked away when he tried to explain it all, and he has assumed that, Y/n is acting like a bitch. 

From Y/n's point of view, Whatever-Harry-does-is-annoying. She hates the fact that he can explain an explanation for kissing another girl, she thinks not.  Also the fact that he took her on a date to Hogsmeade. At least, it burst like a balloon and ended up like crap. 

  'Oh Merlin! This is the hardest Charm ever!', Dennis Creevey, said waving his wand like a maniac, sitting beside Y/n. 

'Oh please, Dennis, please don't wave your wand like that', she said. 'Just give it a gentle wave like this...Reparo!', The broken log of wood placed on her table just mended itself and became as good as new. 

'You're a genius!', he exclaimed. 'Reparo! ', he tried again, this time, he waved his wand right. The wood on his table was joined together too. 'You're the best teacher, Y/n!'

Y/n just gave him a simple smile. 

A first year girl, whose name Y/n never knew, appeared at the doorway of the Charms classroom. She came in as soon as Professor Filtwick, excused her. 'Professor, Y/n Malfoy is wanted by Professor Umbridge', she said, and left immediately. 

'Y/n you are wanted by Professor Umbridge', Professor Filtwick repeated. 

'Yes Professor', she rolled her eyes, packed her stuff, pocketed her wand, and with a quick wave to Dennis, she walked out of the classroom, swearing silently.

She knew something was awaiting her. Trouble. As always.


Y/n's hand stopped for a moment, clutching the door knob. She knew something was off, hearing Harry's and Umbridge's voices arguing.

'I was — trying to get my Firebolt!'

'Liar! Your Firebolt is under strict guard in the dungeons, as you very well know, Potter. You had your head in my fire. With whom have you been communicating?'

'No one —' 


She creaked open the door and titled her head in, 'May I enter, Professor?'

'Enter', she snarled, like she was going to explode any time now. Y/n noticed that she was clutching Harry's hair like it was a Mandrake from the Greenhouses.

She saw Hermione pinned against the wall by Millicent Bulstrode. Her brother with the most devilish grin, was leaning on the windowsill, smirking as he threw Harry's wand into the air one-handed and then caught it again. 

Y/n turned to the other side, to her horror, Ginny, Neville, Luna were caught by some of them too. She recognized the Inquisitorial Squad members. 

'Got 'em all,' said Warrington, shoving Ron roughly forward into the room. 'That one', he poked a thick finger at Neville, 'tried to stop me taking her,' he pointed at Ginny, 'so I brought him along too'.
'Good, good', said Umbridge, watching Ginny's struggles. "Well, it looks as though Hogwarts will shortly be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it?'

Draco laughed loudly. Y/n felt a weird wriggle on her spine, as she saw Mattheo with a cocky grin on his face.

'Very well, Mr. Potter . . . I offered you the chance to tell me freely. You refused. I have no alternative but to force you. Y/n dear, come', said Umbridge. 

Y/n's heart beat paced faster as she walked closer. She stopped when she was exactly a foot away from the Toady woman. 

'You read minds, don't you', she asked looking straight into her eyes. 

Something inside her made her nod to that statement, and the room was filled with whispers and gasps. 

'Open your mouth and answer to me!'


'Now, look into his mind', she said. 'and tell me who he was talking with'

She looked at her feet, she knew she could read minds except for two of them in that room. Harry Potter and Mattheo Riddle. 

Afraid, she took a deep breath, and looked directly into Harry's green eyes. She couldn't read him as usual. But she could hear him telling her something. 

Padfoot is in danger, now is not the time for revenge, Y/n. I'm sorry. I was actually talking to kreacher, Don't tell her that!  Please!, His voice begged inside  her as she stood wide eyed. 

Hermione's thoughts were also audible now. Y/n, Tell her that we were talking with Dumbledore! Quick! We owe you so much!

'Professor Dumbledore', Y/n breathed. 'They were talking to him'

'Professor Dumbledore, I see', said Umbridge. 'Y/n, now--'

'I can't read further, Professor, I'm sorry', she said immediately. 

'I must thank you for this information, dear', she said. 'Please stay here, you may be useful'

'Dumbledore?' said Umbridge eagerly, looking at Harry. 'You know where Dumbledore is, then?'

'Well . . . no!', sobbed Hermione, as Umbridge's gaze turned to her. 'We've tried the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley and the Three Broomsticks and even the Hog's Head —'

'Idiot girl, Dumbledore won't be sitting in a pub when the whole Ministry's looking for him!', shouted Umbridge, disappointment etched in her face.

'But — but we needed to tell him something important!', wailed Hermione.

'Yes?', said Umbridge with a sudden resurgence of excitement. 'What was it you wanted to tell him?'

'We . . . we wanted to tell him it's r-ready!', choked Hermione.

'What's ready?', demanded Umbridge. 'What's ready, girl?'

The . . . the weapon', said Hermione.

'Weapon? Weapon?', said Umbridge with excitement. 'You have been developing some method of resistance? A weapon you could use against the Ministry? On Professor Dumbledore's orders, of course?'

Hermione, from her face facing the ground, smirked slightly at Y/n, Thank you Y/n!

Anytime, Y/n winked. Atleast she was useful for something that's worth fighting for. 


Umbridge contemplated Hermione for another long moment and then spoke in what she clearly thought was a motherly voice. 'All right, dear, let's make it just you and me . . . and we'll take Potter too, shall we? Get up, now —'

'Professor', said Draco eagerly, 'Professor Umbridge, I think some of the squad should come with you to look after —'

'I am a fully qualified Ministry official, Malfoy, do you really think I cannot handle two wandless kids alone?', she said. 'Make sure none of them escape'

'Yes, Professor', said Draco slightly disappointed. 

Y/n was relieved a bit. She sighed and went to the door, to leave for her charms class.

'Y/n, you're coming with us too, in case if these two are lying', said Umbridge. 

This is it. This is gonna be the end of me, She thought. Okay, she totally forgot that I still have a wand with me.


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