Chapter 49: Hogwarts is a living hell

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Y/n's Pov~

Hogwarts wasn't Hogwarts anymore.

It was a living hell.

Snape was the headmaster, and McGonagall just took Transfiguration. Two idiots named Alecto and Amycus the Carrow twins, both taking Muggle studies and Dark arts respectively. 

And the greatest thing which I should've said at first... My brother is the head boy. 

Guess what? they're teaching Cruciatus curse to kids in Dark arts class and us, the Prefects are allowed to use curses on the kids who disobey. What the hell is this? They were supposed to teach us lessons to defeat Voldemort, and all they're doing is picking a fight among ourselves.

'Miss Malfoy', Amycus Carrow snapped harshly. 'I've been asking you a question!'

'Uh... can you repeat it?', I asked and the whole class filled with some Gryffindors and many Slytherins giggled. 

'Fantasizing about Potter, is it?', he sneered.

'If that's what you were asking as a question', I paused. 'The answer is yes '

'You dare?', his sneering smile vanished into a grim straight line. 

'Yes I dare', Don't ask me where I got the cheek from. 'What can you do?'

'I'm leaving you, because you're the master's kid-'

'Oh, if not?', I asked him back. 'Will you crucio me? if so, then do... I've felt more pain than that'

'You, miss... don't trigger my anger!', his hand trembled as he pointed his wand at me. 'I don't-'

'Amycus', his sister, Alecto's voice came from the background, she stood in the doorway, fiddling with her wand. 'You have some trouble with this kid, if yes, then I'll teach her a good lesson'

'NO!', he yelled suddenly. 'No, uh... I mean Alecto I thought you had class? er.. anyway, why can't we just go outside-', with that he dragged her outside to the corridor. 'All of you, sit here and read chapter six', he said with only his head sticking in.

I shrugged to myself and sat down. 'What's with him?', I asked a clearly-unaware-of-whatever-happening-around-Ivy Fontaine, seated beside me. 

'You-know-who knows', she shook her head. 'I think he fears something in you'

'Girl, seriously?', I laughed. 'What is scary about me?'

'The fact that you're a Death Eater's kid, a Death Eater's sister, and your sass', she replied as she took notes from the sixth chapter. 'Oh, and also that fact that  you're the chosen one's girlfriend, if he knows that the Carrows did something to you, he'll probably lock them up in Azkaban'

'Ivy, Harry's not a dementor', I smirked at myself, but it faded away as my thoughts deep down, I knew how I felt. The pit in my stomach gave me some dark vibes, which made me think about how he was right now? or Is he alive? Will he survive to meet me again? or Will he come back, just like how he left?

'Y/n', Harry breathed heavily. 'Listen, I need you to go somewhere, safe--'

'No Harry! I'll never leave you again!'

'Listen, it's serious--', he pulled her to the left, dodging a curse. 'Go, Go with Sirius... and remember me, don't take off that necklace!'

'Harry, no!', he shut me up with a kiss, as he changed into his own self. 'I'll go with you!'

'I love you, Y/n', he said. 

The sound of his voice I heard months ago haunted me every single minute, the way he looked at me with his seriousness and emergency... It's making me die internally. He was the best lover a girl could ever get, because he didn't want me to fall with him, he fell into the pit instead of pulling me in. He went sacrificing himself for this whole wizarding world... I mean, who'd even do that?

I'm proud of you, Harry. I will always be, I wrote in a piece of parchment like I do everyday. Little notes to my imaginary Harry who exists in my heart.

But, if only you heard me out, I would've been with you right now, supporting your 'whatever' mission. The only thing that matters is not you love me, or I love you... But that we are together, even in our highs and lows, but you left me in here.... 

I hope I will see you again.


I crushed the piece of parchment immediately and shoved it into my pocket. 

'Another letter?', Ivy asked. 

'Yeah', I sighed. 'At least that makes me feel better'

Forcing a smile wasn't really hard, but when you really try to smile, it looks totally fake that you hate yourself. I wished I cried like every other hopeless girl in this world. But I don't, and that's the problem... I get too depressed.


I was sitting in the Hufflepuff common room, with Rigel and Ginny who were on a serious mission in making me forget pain and smile. Little did they know that, it's not gonna happen.

'How does You-know-who enter a room?', Rigel asked.

'By Slythering in?', Ginny said. Well, because she already knew the answer.

'That's really funny, yep', Rigel fake laughed. Someone tell him that's sooooo obvious!

'Next', Ginny urged him. 'Y/n answer something'

'Oh c'mon!', I laughed. 'Do you think that Jokes from How to make a wizard giggle without making a Ailhotsy Draught  are going to make me laugh? silly'

Ginny sighed and gave a look at Rigel which probably said, I've got prefect duties to do and your sister is acting like a bitch!

'Uh... Well what if we go out and play quidditch?', Rigel suggested. 

I rolled my eyes. 'You and Ginny can go and play... besides it's sunny outside'

'Honestly, Y/n?', Ginny asked. 'It's four-thirty, and it's about sunset'

'Then what do you expect me to do?', I retorted harshly, I took a deep breath to calm myself. 'I'm dead serious guys, please don't try to make jokes alright? that's not-ridiculous', I paused, 'Well, I can hangout with you two, because it'll probably make me a third wheel, and--'

'Why would you even think that?', Rigel cut my sentence. 'You're my sister and Ginny is your friend-'

'Ginny is your  girlfriend, Rigel', I averted the gaze to the other Hufflepuffs there. 'When was she my friend?'

Ginny looked at me like she was offended. 'Y/n? so, that's how you think about me... Am I not a friend to you?'

'I hope not', I looked at a second year kid, watering a plant. 

'Fine', she said curtly. 'Rigel, hope I'll live to meet you tomorrow', with that she walked away. 

I looked at Rigel. That was when I realized I fucked up. He gave me an apologetic look, 'Ginny is always like that, Y/n... she's short tempered'

'I can see that', I breathed. 'I'm sorry... the way she talked to you... I was the reason--'  

Before I completed, he hugged me tight. This, this is what I needed.

'Thanks, Rigel', I hugged him back.


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