Chapter 54: To Teddy Remus Lupin

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Y/n's Pov~

My vision was totally blurry like I had an eye problem or something...

'Y/n?', Harry's voice felt so near to me. Why? Why does my dream sound so real?

'She's awake?', Ron's voice called. I tilted my blurry head to the right. 'Hi', Ron waved at me.

What? Where am I? Are we dead, and we're in heaven?.. Nope definitely not, We'd got to hell for sure--

I wiped my eyes for clearer vision. 'Harry? is it real?'

'What do you mean?'

'It's not a dream?', I scrunched my eyebrows at him. 

He gave the world's most precious giggle. 'No, it's true', he said. 'We're safe now... at least for now'

I quickly sat up in the bed, but there was a sharp pain in my neck. 'Ow--', when I touched it,  I realized it was bandaged.

'Careful!', a French accent came to the room, it was Fleur Delacour. 'Doez it hurt?', she asked me. 

'A little', I sat a bit comfortably. 'It's fine, but... where is Hermione?'

Ron looked at the ground, not wanting to answer the question. Harry's lips straightened. Why were these two acting weird?

'She'z still sleeping', Fleur replied. 'She'z okay'

I nodded. I touched my crystal locket protectively to check it was there, and it was, like everyday. Oh no!... Is it broken?!

'Don't worry, Y/n', Harry said slowly straightening his glasses. 'I have another one', he rummaged into his pocket and took out another crystal heart, the exact same thing I had around my neck, but it looked new, polished and unused. 

'How?', I asked him as I took it from his hand. 

'I thought we could have matching ones, so I bought one for myself', he smirked. 'But you need to do something to stick it with your chain'

'So cheeky, Potter', I smiled as I searched for my wand. It had to be somewhere here...

'You wand isn't here', he said. 'Here, your brother's wand'

He gave me Draco's black, unicorn hair core wand. 'How do you have it?'

He simply shrugged. 'Snatched it'

'You snatched a wand from my brother?', I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. 'You... wait what the hell happened exactly?'

I replaced the new crystal heart he gave me into my chain with a sticking charm. Harry and Ron took turns in telling the whole thing that happened at once-was-my-home. I remember Bellatrix using the Cruciatus curse on me, and the girl who was with Harry. 

Ask him.. Ask him.. Ask him!, my mind urged.

No, he'd never cheat on you, Y/n look at him, my heart replied.

'Uh?', I said as he shook my shoulders. 'Yeah, go on, I'm listening'

'And then Dobby dropped the chandelier down!', Ron said with dramatic music.

'And then I got you', Harry said, with hand resembling how he held me.

'I got Hermione', Ron said.

'Swoosh! Dobby apparated us and we're here! in Bill and Fleur's', he finished with a smile.

'But something unexpected happened', Ron's face grew dark.


'Yeah', Harry said in agreement. 'Bellatrix had threw her silver knife that--'

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