Chapter 44: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw OR Malfoy vs Chang

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Y/n took a deep breath, before putting on Harry's Quidditch uniform with the name "Potter" printed on its back. 

'You can do this', she said to herself. 'I'll be okay... fine... This is for Harry, I'll be fine'

'Uh, Y/n?', Ginny's voice came from the doorway of the room. 'Talking to yourself I see', she teased.

'Self motivation, girlie', she managed a smile. 'It's all Snape's fault if we don't win, Gin. He gave Harry a detention, despite the match!'

'That slimy git!', she cursed under her breath. 'Don't worry though. They shall paint their faces blue out of jealousy after this match'

'Yep', she agreed. 'Is this too big for me?', she gestured to Harry's uniform.

'A bit?', she said rhetorically. 'But still considering that Harry is as lean as a twelve year old, it kinda suits you, so, no worries..... Your boyfriend's outfit looks great on you'

'Shut up', Y/n giggled.


'Good Morning, to my cheerful and bubbling Gryffindors and Ravenclaws!', Luna Lovegood's dreamy voice came from the microphone and to the stands, where some Ravenclaws clapped their hands as slowly as the Beauxbatons students. 

'Hey! Hey! Hey! Hello, People!', as soon as Lee Jordan's voice yelled on the mic, there was a great cheer from the crowd with applause and welcoming whistles. 'This is Lee Jordan on the mic and--'

'Luna Lovegood'

'Are here to entertain you!', he finished. 'Please welcome our Gryffindor and Ravenclaw players!'

Y/n stood with Harry's broom in Harry's uniform along with her crew mates, Ginny, Ron, Katie, Demelza, Jimmy and Richie. 'Guys, I'm not a leader to say this... but still... Best of luck, and we'll definitely win!'

'Would we have a party if we win?', Jimmy asked innocently, meddling with his beater bat. 

'We'd have a party for weeks, Jim', Y/n smirked. 'If we win, you'll be a VIP' 

'Yay!', he punched the air.

The doors were opened for them into the field, and Lee Jordan said, 'THERE COMES OUR GRYFFINDOR TEAM!', The crowd cheered except for Slytherins who "Boo"-ed

'In today's match, we're sorry to tell y'all that our Captain Harry Potter will not be playing because he got into some serious trouble with Snape'

'That's Professor Snape for you, Jordan', McGonagall sneered beside him.

'Sorry Professor', he smirked at McGonagalls sneer. 'Well, would you like to introduce our players, Lovegood?'

'OH NO! WRACKSPURTS!', Luna yelled into the mic. 'WRASPURTS EVERY--', McGonagall snatched her mic away.

'Ahem, Never mind', Lee said. 'To our players, guys!... On our team, we have three brilliant chasers, Weasley, Robins and Bell. Our Amazing Beaters Peakes and Coote. Ron Weasley as our Keeper and Potter--- Sorry, Malfoy as the seeker'

Somewhere in the stands sat Draco Malfoy with his bandages, who looked at his younger sister with pride and joy, he showed a thumbs up at her.


Y/n was on the air at the east side of the Quidditch pitch, her eyes rapidly scanning for the golden snitch, which had been tricking her and Cho Chang at the same time. Chang was a few fifty meters away, her dark black silky hair flowing behind her, she was also seated in her broom (not as fast as the Firebolt) zooming up and down, dodging bludgers.

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