Chapter 59: Battle of Hogwarts (Part 2)

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Harry's Pov~

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure. 

That's what was written in the Ravenclaw's Diadem, I had to look into it to read it though. I definitely have bad eyesight. But, I sincerely want to rewrite it as, Love beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.

Suddenly something cold and red oozed from the diadem, it was blood to my freaking disgust and it flowed in my hand and dripped down. It started to vibrate and there was a sharp scream inside my head that my scar started to burn badly. Trust me, you do not want to be the boy who lived.

'It must have been Fiendfyre!', said Hermione.


'Fiendfyre — cursed fire — it's one of the substances that destroy Horcruxes, but I would never, ever have dared use it, it's so dangerous — how did Crabbe know how to---?'

'Must've learned from the Carrows', Y/n said with her fingers wriggling, which reminded me of her dear brother putting on his hood and pretending to be a dementor back in our third year, trying to mock me. Don't tell this to Y/n, or she's gonna confirm that I'm a gay, which I can tell I'm not.

'Shame he wasn't concentrating when they mentioned how to stop it, really' said Ron. 'If he hadn't tried to kill us all, I'd be quite sorry he was dead'

'But don't you realize?', whispered Hermione. 'This means, if we can just get the snake--'

She shut herself when there were yells in the corridor. To the darkness of my heart's depth, I saw Percy and Fred dueling with masked death eaters.

'Hello, Minister!', bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at Thicknesse. 'Did I mention I'mresigning?'

'You're joking, Perce!',  shouted Fred as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of three separate Stunning Spells. He looked at Percy with glee. 'You actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were---'

'NO! FRED!', Y/n yelled. 'WATCH OUT YOU DOLT!'

Fred stumbled back and fell down to the ground, to my freaking horror, I wondered if he was breathing. Percy shook his shoulders vigorously.

'FRED! NO!', Percy yelled. Ron ran towards them, Hermione followed him, and Y/n pulled my wrist and dragged me along towards Fred. 

'He's not breathing!', Ron cried. 'NO! FRED!'

Y/n started to cry, I wanted to comfort her and everyone else. I wondered how Mrs. Weasley would react if she got to know this. I wanted to comfort people, but I don't know how to and where to start--

'YO! BITCHES! THOUGHT THAT I'LL BE DEAD BY NOW HUH?', Fred sat up straight like nothing happened. 

What the fucking hell dude, my heart just stopped in fear... I need to battle Voldy in a few minutes and now he is joking around... like what?

(A/N: Skipping a few parts, becoz I know y'all have them memorized after reading other fanfics)

Wait... Where's Dumbledore? Why did he appear in my head suddenly?

Da fuck?!

I was still breathing!?


I heard whispers of the Death Eaters talking to Voldemort. Poor Voldy, didn't know I was the seventh Horcrux, and without any physical effort, he had destroyed it himself.

'My Lord, let me---'

'I do not require assistance', said Voldemort coldly.'The boy . . . Is he dead?'

There was complete silence in the clearing.

'You', said Voldemort, and there was a small shriek of pain. 'Examine him. Tell me whether he is dead'

I heard footsteps approaching, I dared not to breathe. I don't know who was coming... and what they'll do to me.... 

I came to know it was a 'Her', when she dug her nails into my chest, where my heart which was owned by the one and only Y/n was held.

'Y/n and Draco... are they alright... are they in the castle?', she said. I realized it was Narcissa Malfoy, Y/n's mother and my soon-to-be mother-in-law, she pulled out Draco's wand from my hand and into her sleeve, which I imagined myself. Praise me for my creative mind, folks!

'Yes', I whispered like air.

'He's Dead!', she called back to the Death Eaters. 



I was in Hagrid's big arms, luckily nobody noticed my heart beating with anticipation. He carried me to the grounds of Hogwarts right now. 

And my fear wasn't about how to defeat Voldemort or the other death eaters. My whole thoughts were being haunted by the Girl-Who-Loved, Y/n.... I badly wanted to see how she'll react over my dead body, or... will she be smart enough to identify how I was breathing. 

Dude, I feel like I'm being Fred... 

Anywho. I love being dead, people... It feels so nice, despite living. Because, when you live, you get 'zero' respect and 'minus' laurels, but when you're dead, everyone notices you! Hehehehe I'm exited!

But deep down, my mind asked me questions like, How will you, a weak bitch, going to defeat Voldemort? What if he sends another Avada Kedavra to you? What if you never meet....

Okay, calm... Harry, You got this!... Oh, I think we've arrived in Hogwarts' grounds, because I heard. 




Well, those sounds kept repeating. But none of them belonged to Y/n. I bet she was dumbfounded, not able to accept the fact I was dead. Wait... what if her mother told her I was alive...

There was a whole noise of People wailing and crying around me, but still, I couldn't figure out where Y/n was.

'SILENCE!', Voldemort cried, and even the air stayed where it was, without any movement.

'T-that can't be... No... This...', Finally, I heard Y/n speak in a really quiet voice, which was very unusual when it came to her savageness.

'Ah, There you are', Voldemort snarled. 'Miss. Perfect Malfoy, come on and join our feast, celebrating the death of your... soulmate', he emphasized. 'It is over! Set him down, Hagrid, at my feet, where he belongs!', he ordered. 

'No!', Y/n's voice broke as she let out a painful scream, that whoever heard it might cry, but as far as I knew, no curse hit her.... It was our love. Footsteps approached me as I felt Y/n so close to me. 'Harry!', she slapped my face. Dude, trust me... acting is really hard, I wonder how Snape aced it. 'Harry! Open your eyes!'

'He's Dead!', said Voldemort. 'Harry Potter is Dead!', and he gave a terrible laugh. 

Y/n pulled my wrist into her hands, and silently checked my pulse as Voldemort made an offer, asking the people to follow him. I felt her breath so close to me and a tear from her eyes fell and rolled my  cheek, I mean, she was literally breathing on my face, my heart beat paced quicker, Ha, Y/n! You're really brilliant. She silently whispered in my ear. 'Okay, Harry', like she understood all my plans. Suddenly, she wasn't near me.

'HOW DARE YOU KILL, HIM!?', She yelled at Voldemort. 

'SILENCE, Girl!', he snarled. 'He's Dead! supporting him will give you nothing! Follow me instead!'


'Then you deserve this!', he said. 'Crucio! ', He probably yelled at Y/n but I felt the pain in my heart... I'm making her suffer even more.

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