Chapter 27: A bit jinxed and torn apart

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She watched them kiss. She and Harry. Torn apart.

Nothing can be more painful than seeing a boy who loves you, kissing another girl, right in front of your eyes. 

Does it?, Y/n asked herself, as she stood there for a second with tears  welling in her eyelids. 

It does, she said.  It does. It seems to be driven away by magic, and later you realize, that you've been jinxed.

She ran to the Gryffindor tower, trying hard not to cry in the corridors. Because her brother will come to know, and Mattheo who had just been pretending to be her boyfriend, will pull an unnecessary fight with Harry. 

Harry has just found the Love of his life. Why should I interrupt it? Did he even tell me that I'm the girl he loves?... Sorry, It's 'Loved'. Past tense was created for a fucking purpose.

If I really love him, then, I should be happy for him, Right?... Why am I not? Why the heck am I crying? ... He didn't really like me, I should've been more careful and loving to him.

I'm a girl! I shouldn't be crying over a guy. Yes! I'm better off without him. I can show him, that I can be better, live better and fall in love with someone else who treats me better than he can.

She told the password to the fat lady and entered in, Hermione and Ron, looked at her nervously. They seemed to have waited for her arrival. She tried not to notice them. I can never cry in front of others!

'Y/n', Hermione called. 'Hey, you seem tense, what happened?'

With a bit of uncontrolled tears, she ran to the girls' dormitory and closed the door behind her. Hermione and Ron watched her confused. 

'Something seems off', said Ron. 

'Something is wrong', Hermione corrected. 'We shouldn't ask her anything now'

'Why's that?'

'Honestly, Ron... She needs a bit of recovery... and an idiot like you would never understand a girl's pain'

'Women', he muttered under his breath. 


The portrait swung open once again, and Harry, looking all smug with himself. Hermione and Ron exchanged another pair of exchanged looks.

'Hey!', said Harry.

'Hey?', Hermione and Ron chorused, looking extremely bewildered.

'What's wrong?'

'Hope you didn't do anything bad', said Hermione, her heart pacing faster and her mind badly wanting to know what he had done.'Where were you?'

'I can't tell you', he said with a smirk.


'Nothing... just something personal'

'May I please', said Hermione. 'Know, what the hell did you do a few minutes ago?'

'Well', said Harry. 'If you ask that..'

'Get to the point, you seaweed brain!'

'Okay, chill... I kissed Cho'

Hermione stared at him. She might've slapped him, like how she slapped Malfoy, but she probably didn't want to, because... he's her friend. An idiotic friend.

'Do you know what I got this for? this album?', she snarled at him, looking furious. 'You--'

'Hey, what? What did I do wrong?'

'Everything, Harry', said Hermione, sinking down on an armchair. 'Everything!'

'I just kissed Cho, 'cause Y/n doesn't like me anymore Is there any mistake in it?', said Harry. 'Besides, first love doesn't always work out'

'I really feel like slapping you'

'Hermione, we could just use Plan B?', Ron suggested. 

'Oh, right... but no', she said. 'Harry is very capable of doing things himself, why should we mess with his love life?... It's just unwanted... 'cause he's going to mess and knot things anyway'

'Hermione, wait!'

But she had already left. Harry looked at Ron, totally confused. He still didn't realize how he had just messed with his own love life. Ron had explained the whole story.

'---Then, she came searching for you', he said.

'She came to the seventh floor?', asked Harry. 'After reviving her memories of me? Shit!'

'Finally!', Ron sighed. 'She might be thinking that you like Chang now'

'Ew, I like her first, I mean, Y/n', said Harry. 

'Bloody hell, Harry!', cussed Ron. 'Then you shouldn't have kissed her!'

'You mean Cho?'

'Who else!?', he said. 'You should probably go and apologize'

'Me? Apologize? never', said Harry, dramatically. 'She'll come to me... if  she really loves me'

With that Harry stood up and went to the boy's dormitory. Ron, who was left alone, stood there silently, thinking. Harry doesn't usually speak like this... something is wrong with him... I need to tell Hermione, He thought. 


Y/n hugged Hermione and burst into inaudible sobs, tears rolling down her red puffy eyes. Hermione patted her back, comforting, like a friend, more like a sister.  'Hey... Y/n', she said. 'Don't worry everything's gonna be okay'. Hermione knew that Ron would be there for Harry, to get him back to his senses. 

'It can't... It's fate, my destiny', said Y/n. 'My destiny is destined in this manner and no one can do anything about that', she sobbed.

'Something's wrong with him, He's not himself, Y/n! understand!'

'Nothing's wrong... everything was wrong with me... only me'

Hermione sighed. 'Sometimes, we need to let things go, y/n'

'You were the one who brought back my memories of him!', she said as tears rolled down her eyes, she stared straight at her. 'I never asked you to do that! did I ?!'

'Okay... calm', said Hermione. 'Just remember what he said to you last summer when you asked Would you do anything for me?'

'I do... and he said, Anything... even, getting on my knees if you want me to', her voice trailed away. 

'This is a plot Y/n!', she said. 'A plot to get you and Harry away from each other!'

'A plot?... No... It's his  will', she said, rubbing her eyes. 'That's why he kissed her '

Hermione sighed. 'Do you really think he doesn't truly love you, but loves some other girl?'

'No', she said at once. 'Yes'

'No yes?', Hermione repeated. 'Y/n...It's not His will... it's like.. he's confused'

'Okay... what if he snaps at me... that he likes Chang and not me'

'He'd never do that'

'You swear?'

'I swear', said Hermione. 'You should probably talk to him'

'Talk?', she said. 'You aren't kidding right?... He's gonna hate me already... lemme just stay here... forever and... just give up... let Chang have him'

'You're not going to give up!', said Hermione. 'Forgot that you're a girl did you?'

'A girl, yeah... a bit weak...and lost...'

'Look at me, Y/n', Hermione said kindly. 'The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy... and I know you won't be doing that. Besides, if not Harry, someone else is lucky to get you'

'I like that Hermione', she said. 'I love you'

'I love you more'


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