Chapter 43: Winning for Harry and Winning Harry

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Y/n's Pov~

I was seated beside my brother, at the Hospital wing. He looked a lot better, than he was ten minutes ago. At least, he was alive. After seeing his blood all over the floor, I almost guessed he was dead. But, none of us spoke with each other.

'I thought you never cared about us', he sneered. 

'I care about you, and only you, Draco', I scoffed. 'Do you know what they planned to do to me?'

'Give you the dark mark?', he said slowly, taking a glass of water to his mouth.

'Even worse', I grimaced. 'They have arranged a marriage for me'

He choked on the water, as Madam Pomfrey hurried from somewhere. 'Miss Malfoy, I told you to take care of him, and this is what you do?', she said as she bent him forward and patted him gently on the back. 

'I'm f-fine', Draco said a bit coughing. 'You may go, now', he ordered if she was his servant. I wanted to smack him hard for doing that, but considering that he had "went" to his death bed and returned to life, I tried to ignore it.

'They planned what for you?', he emphasized.

'A marriage, you dimwit', I smiled, despite how much pain I had concealed and bandaged within my heart. 'Won't you ask, with whom?'

'With whom?', his voice asked eagerly, but his face was emotionless. 'Don't say, "Potter" '

'Heh, if I must be married to him, then why do I tell it to you desperately', I scoffed again. 'Mattheo Riddle, it is... and on my seventeenth birthday'

'What the actual--', he stopped himself from swearing. 'Is it true?'

'You think I'm lying, don't you?', I averted his gaze from him. 'But it's the truth, once I finish Hogwarts, I'll be married to that jerk, and swoosh! sadly ever after!'

'Well, you can still object to this, you needn't marry him if you don't like that', he said.

'You still don't understand!?', I was irritated from head to toe, like I was ready to smack his dumb head. 'I have to do this, It's an unbreakable vow!'

As soon as he heard the two words, unbreakable vow, he winced uncomfortably and grimaced. I don't know how it disturbed him, but I will try not to mention it later. 

'I'm sorry', he said, looking sick.

'Don't apologize', I snapped. 'Draco, I am not clueless'

'I know that Hanii, you're brilliant, just like me', he praised himself. 'The thing is, if there is any trouble in future, I'll be there, beside you'

'Thanks... Onii chan', I added.


Spending late nights in the Gryffindor common room, can't be described with words. Harry dropped himself on the couch beside me. He was still in his bloody shirt and I didn't care about that. The only thing that mattered to me, was that my brother and Harry both were alive, and good. 

'What happened?'

'Detention with Snape', he sighed. 'Tomorrow at ten'

'Ten? don't we have Quidditch match?', I asked, 'With Ravenclaw?'

'We have, Y/n', he sighed again. 'It was all his plan!, He's afraid that we'd win the cup... I swear if Slytherin wins--'

'Shush!', I said. 'Don't say that. We will win, Harry... believe in yourself'

'How do I... I can't be on the team tomorrow!', he panicked. 'Gryffindor will lose tomorrow and everyone's gonna throw eye-daggers at me'

'Harry', I called him silently. 'Look at me... Do you trust in me?'

'I-I mean, obviously', he stuttered and gave me a weak smile.

'Then, I will be on the team tomorrow to substitute you, just lend me your firebolt, will you?', I said. 'Hello, dude! I'm talking to you'

'Y-yeah... uh, zoned out', he giggled. 'You, you mean... you will play seeker tomorrow?'

'Did I say it in Italian or Spanish?', I giggled. 'Harry, I will play seeker  tomorrow, in your stead'

'You will do well?', he asked doubtfully, running a hand in his glorious head of hair I wanted to pet, I resisted it. 'I mean, you will ride faster and catch the snitch on time? and Cho Chang--'

'You still don't let her out of your bloody head?'

'No! she's your rival tomorrow', he faltered. 'I meant that'

'Oh, She was my rival forever, which is going to make my win and revenge easier', I smiled. 'Poor Snape will have to kill himself when he see's Gryffindor on the table top'

'I will see his face for you, Y/n', He said. 'His funny, idiotic, ashamed and foolish face'

I giggled at him. 'You're so naughty'

'Naughty for you', he pulled me closer. 'Y/n, bring the cup for me'

His face was so, so close to mine, I almost stopped breathing at the sight of him so closer, his fathomless green, almond eyes, studying me like I was an open book. His lips were pink and tinted like always, making me more weaker in my mind. He raised his eyebrow at me, 'Hey? will you bring the cup for me?'

'I-I will', I breathed. He pulled me into a hug, like I wanted it for so many years. I couldn't care almost about his blood stained shirt, I care about winning. Winning for Harry and Winning Harry. I slowly hugged him back

We stayed like that for at least ten minutes but, it ended so soon, as he pulled away reluctantly. He smiled at the ground, where the scarlet and gold carpets were and then looked at me. 'So... It's almost late... and...Sleep?', with his odd combination of words, he pointed up towards the boys' dormitory.

'Oh--um', I facepalmed myself mentally for being so awkward around a guy, which was not  my usual behavior. 'Okay'

He turned to go upstairs, but he turned. 'Last hug', he said as he hugged me again.

'Fine, Harry', I laughed into his chest. 'Just manage to change those clothes, okay?'

'Yes mum!'

He went upstairs and so did I. All I was thinking about was that, I must win for him. I will win for Harry. I will be a seeker, though not as better as him, I will win the cup....

And Harry too....


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