Chapter 36: She got the Power!

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Y/n's Pov

 I opened my eyes in a really similar place.

Not any place. It was my... former  home. The Malfoy Manor. 

Fuck! why am I here now? Why had that someone bring me here!?

'Look Cissy... your little girl is all awake now', My eyes drifted to the person standing at the living room's doorway. Bellatrix, my "aunt", though I hate to say that.

'Why am I here!? Why am I held up as a hostage here?', I looked at the binds which were holding me. 

'Y/n?', My mum's voice came there.

'I don't want to talk to you, or you', I said to both my mother and her sister. 'What did you do to Ivy?'

'Ivy?', I mum asked Bellatrix. 

'Oh, that silly Ravenclaw with a hairbrush?', she giggled like a maniac. 'Fletcher said she was taken to hospital wing later, but she doesn't remember you anymore'

'You Bitch!', I yelled at her.

'Don't trigger my patience!', she snarled back.

'Y/n... You have to do us a favor', My mom knelt beside me, her clothing and her appearance never changed from when I had last seen her. 

'With me tied up here?', I asked her furiously. 'No. Fucking no!'

'Look at me', she said cupping my face. 'Y/n... It's really important'

'So important that you had to have me tied up?', I asked. 'Release me, right now or I swear to God that I'll Avada Kedavra you and her'

'I'm your mother'

'So? you I need to listen to whatever you say?', I retorted. 'It's better to go to Azkaban that to Help someone who disowned me!'

'It was your father who disowned you, not me', she sounded patient.

'So? who signed it in your name? your ghost?'

'No...I can explain that one later', she said and took out her wand from the pocket and said, 'Diffindo!', and the magical binding which kept me dissolved away.

I got up so fast that I sprained my ankle but I tried to hide that pain and dusted my skirt. 'Get me the floo powder so I can go back to Hogwarts--'

Bellatrix clicked her tongue in disapproval. 'Not until you do what we say'

'You guys are really behaving like bandits not like a mother or an aunt' 

'Okay getting to the point', My mum took a deep breath and ushered me to sit down on the couch. Considering the pain I had in my ankle, I sat down immediately. My mum dropped herself next to me.

'What is that  favor?', I asked her impatiently.

'Your father is in Azkaban', she started.

'He deserved that', I nodded.

'He failed the Dark Lord', she said.

'Of course', I agreed. 'And then the Dark Lord himself is a failure?', I guessed her next line.

'No', she confirmed that my guess was totally wrong. 'The thing is, he wants a substitute'

'Because he can't do his job of killing and cursing people?'

'Don't utter a word against the Dark Lord', Bellatrix snarled at me,' or you'll be facing the consequences, not like what happened in the Department of Mysteries'

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