Chapter 7: Reveal of the truth (aka Yule ball)

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I was standing down the stairs of the great hall. I hated my dress robes, It doesn't suit me..Being a champion isn't that easy y'know.. I was literally waiting for an angel to come down... from the Gryffindor dormitory.

'HArRy FReAkINg PoTtEr! I'm here!', I heard a voice coming from my back.

'Hey Y/n---'

(A.N: Fill in the blanks task for the readers!)

It felt like I was shot with a stunning spell. Oh Merlin!.... Y/n Malfoy looked aesthetically awesome. She was wearing a_______ cloured,  ________length gown, Her Long| Short| Medium h/c hair was ________, with a ________ hair-clip| tiara| wreath. She wore a ________ type of shoes, which were _____ in colour. She had ______ | no , gloves in her hand. Her theme was ________

(A.N: *Playing don't blame me by T.S*, Sorry if you don't like the dress description..)

'You-- you stunned me...', I stuttered.

'Sorry, Harrizz Potterson... Pickup lines don't work on Y/n Malfoy'

'You're really funny Y/n', I said. And now my name turned into Harrizz Potterson

'Shall we, Potterson?', she smirked at me with her hand stretched.

'Yeah...', I said. I connected my hand with hers. The nervousness in my stomach fled away and butterflies entered. We entered the great hall. I saw Cedric and Cho standing not far from us. There also stood Krum and another girl. Fleur stood with someone who I identified as a Ravenclaw. We walked closer to them.

'Hey Hermione!', Y/n said as the girl beside Krum turned. 

I still couldn't believe it was Hermione! She wore a periwinkle blue dress made up of a floaty material. Her hair was sleek and shiny, tied into an elegant knot.

'He-Hermione!?', I said in disbelief.

Then Professor McGonagall's voice called, 'Champions over here, please!'

Y/n grabbed my hand and dragged me with her. 

They applauded as we entered and started walking up toward a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges were sitting. The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling.

The House tables had vanished, instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people. The music was played. Shit! I and Y/n were the first ones to enter. You should've seen Malfoy and Nott's face, when they saw her with me. She kept her hands on my shoulders and now I have to place mine on her waist.


'uh.. yeah...', I said nervously as I placed my hand on her waist.

Then... we started dancing. She was enjoying very much and All I did was, not to ruin her moment by tripping on my feet. We were dancing for hours and I forgot the whole  world.... I only looked at her. How  can a person be so beautiful!

(A.N : Play "Wanna be yours" by Arctic Monkeys(speed up), I swear it suits so well!)

'Harry! Potterson!!', she said. I snapped out of my dreams. 

'Want some rest?', I asked.

'Nope... can we dance for a little while longer? pleaseee', she said.

'Yeah. sure'

'Yess!', she said.  I could imagine... she punched the air in her mind.

I took a look at the hall, and nobody was dancing. It was only me and Her. I didn't feel tired. I wished the Yule ball went on for years. We were lost to each other so much that we didn't notice the songs changing. I loved her so much.I really liked her. She pulled me closer and my heart beat was ten times faster.

'I dunno why... but I wanna be yours, Harry'

Then without a second of wasting, We connected our lips together. I could hear "Aww" sounds from the crowd. We parted. It was totally unexpected. It was only for seconds but it was definitely a kiss.

'Y/n?', I looked straightly in her eyes. My reflection was the worst. I could see my cheeks were bright red, so was hers.

'I- I'm sorry Ha--'

'POTTER! YOU'RE SO DEAD!', said the voice I hate the most. Draco Malfoy.

'Why?.. Did I do something wrong?', I said, with grimace.


'Shut up Draco!', yelled Y/n. 'Why the hell are you butting into my love life! It's my choice whomever I chose! Not you or your parents!'

'My Parents huh?', He said smirking. 'Their your parents too!'

'You're wrong.. You Bleached Ferret.', she said. I had to control my grin, I wanted to say that to him for ages!. 'They disowned me, a long time ago'

The whole hall stared at the three of us. They disowned Y/n?! How dare Blondie senior!

'Disowned you?', I repeated.

'Yeah... they did', she said.'They don't want a Gryffindork in the family do they?, do they Malfoy?'

'Y/n.. It must've been--It--', Draco muttered.

'It is', she said. 'It's legal...'

She rummaged in her pockets and found a crumbled, torn piece of parchment. Wait.. that dress had fucking pockets?. Draco opened it and read it. He looked as though he had swallowed a slug. He handed it over to her.

'I-I can't believe this!', Draco said.

'Oh, well you can't... How will you believe this then?', she pulled out her wand and said "Accio, Adoption Certificate" She was already adopted!?.. 

'Here Harry, Read it aloud', She gave it to me. 

My hands trembled as I started to read it. 

'This is to certify that Y/n Nova Malfoy has been approved for Adoption by Andromeda Tonks---', I stopped.

'That's enough for this bitch Harry', she got the Certificate from me. 'Now, you reckon that I don't know anything about you and that Nott bitch's plan?.... You-Hell-of-a-disgusting-brother!... Now, I don't need your permission, right?', She pulled my collar closer and kissed me again, passionately.

She got hold of my hand again and dragged me with her. The crowd was still processing what had happened. I couldn't still believe that the Malfoys disowned Y/n. Now she has to live with some Tonks. We made our way to the Astronomy tower and sat in silence.

'Do you like this place Harry?... I've been here a couple of times before', she said.'--When I'm sad... I'd sometimes think of fallin---'

'No! Don't dare to complete that sentence!', I said.'You're- you're... Important to me'

She sighed and said,'Not to my parents though'. Her eyes were flooded but still she tried hard to control it.

'It's---it's okay Y/n... everything will be okay....', I comforted her. I threw my arms around her.

'I love you Y/n'

'I know Harry', she looked at me, smiling.'I have to tell you something...'


'I... I recently learned... to read minds....', she said softly.


A.N: Didn't expect that coming did'ya?.. Anyways, lets hope for the best in future... 

I'm planning to create a soundtrack for Y/n and Harry, what are the songs that you'd suggest... The ones that are similar to them... and their love life...




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