Chapter 12: Marry her anyway

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They looked at each other for a moment.

'I missed you!', They said together, and hugged.

'Did you believe it?', said Sirius after they had pulled away. 'Did you believe I was a murderer?'

'I didn't', she said.'I was trying to get you out of there, when you yourself did it'

They loved silence. Sirius grey eyes which shone brightly have seen happiness again after twelve long years in Azkaban and two years on the run. As for Ophelia, who also lived alone with her only son, Rigel, had lost her husband, Sam Corazon, 13 years ago.

'You married Corazon, who's he?', Sirius said. 

'My parents forced me into marriage', she sighed. 'I told them that I wanted to marry you, and swoosh! you were in Azkaban'

'I was an idiot!', he said. 

'You still are, Sirius', she smiled at him.'You know what?... I was pregnant when he died, He was murdered, by a death eater'. Her eyes were teary as she continued again.'I raised my son alone...'

'Wait.. did he not get a letter from Hogwarts?', Sirius asked suddenly.

'He gets it every year, I just don't wish to send him there...'

'It's not your wish Phelia!', Sirius stated. 'Don't you remember how much fun we had?... We found friends!... we found love!.... we found freedom!... we found everything there!'


'No buts! He is going to Hogwarts! Harry and his friends would help them! I bet he's a Gryffindor', Sirius smirked.'

'I bet he's a Hufflepuff', she said.

'Never leaving  off these bets, are we?', Sirius said and they laughed together. Sirius prepared them some coffee


'Mhmm?', he hummed as he sipped the coffee

'I still love you'

He spat out his coffee, he smiled at her as he coughed a bit.

'Are you serious?', he said with a huge grin.

'I'd punch you if you don't believe that I'm serious!', she stated. 'I want you, for the rest of my life... Like forever... will be my love, love'

Sirius had already heard this line. Somewhere...

'Copied my dialogue, didn't you?', said Sirius.'Should we get married?'

'Your choice', she said.'If you still wanted to marry a Widow'

'Shut it! you're not a widow any more', he said.'I don't matter who you are, I'm gonna marry you anyway'


'Dunno... Let's talk about this later', he smiled

Somewhere in the Ministry of Magic, Y/n, Harry and Mr.Weasley were pacing faster, because they were five minutes late. Harry's nervous, sweaty hand was intertwined with Y/n's. 

Mr. Weasley stumbled to a halt outside a grimy dark door with an immense iron lock and slumped against the wall, clutching at a stitch in his chest.

'Go on,' he panted, pointing his thumb at the door. 'Get in there'.

'Aren't — aren't you coming with — ?'

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