Chapter 58: Battle of Hogwarts (Part 1)

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Y/n's Pov~

Now the whole hell of Hogwarts was really nervous, running here and there, setting protective charms and preparing to fight with Voldemort. 

'Give me Harry Potter', a voice hissed around the great hall as chills ran down my spinal cord when I recognized it was Voldemort. 'And none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded', There was a fine pause where nobody attempted to breathe. 'You have until midnight'

My hand was programmed to protectively hold his arm, to make him realize I was there. Every eye in the room, searched for Harry, who shivered visibly beside me. 

Just then, Pansy Parkinson my brother's friend and a thoroughly scared Slytherin stood up from her seat and pointed directly to Harry with her hands shaking. 'But he's there! Potter's there! Someone grab him!'

Before Harry could speak, I did. 'Shut the fuck up, and sit down in your seat, Parkinson!'

The Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and the Ravelclaws, stood Infront of Harry and myself with their wands facing the Slytherins. Harry's palms grew cold every second against mine, I looked at him concerned and let him squeeze my hand like a sponge ball.

'Thank you, Miss Parkinson', said Professor McGonagall. 'You will leave the Hall first with Mr. Filch. If the rest of your House could follow'. I wondered how she told me nothing about my improper language, so I smirked at Parkinson who looked offended and sat beside Draco.

The grinding of benches and then the sound of the Slytherins trooping out on the other side of the Hall could be heard.'Ravenclaws, follow on!', cried Professor McGonagall.
Slowly the four tables emptied. The Slytherin table was completely deserted, but a number of older Ravenclaws remained seated while their fellows filed out, even more Hufflepuffs stayed behind.

Now she  was sending away the underage kids. 'Absolutely not, Creevey, go! And you, Peakes!', she looked at me concerned. 'Y/n, you sure---'

'Yes, Professor', I said. 'We ought to be together, Voldemort knows, and If I'm alone... It would be easier for him to kill me--'

'Shut up!', Harry said cutting me off. 'Always pessimistic!'

'I'm not--', I cut myself as he placed his finger on my lips. 

'Potter' said Professor McGonagall. 'Aren't you supposed to be looking for something?'

'What? Oh', said Harry, 'Oh yeah!'

'Then go!', McGonagall said sternly, I knew it was something serious, and I wanted to know immediately.

'Right, Yeah---', He ran out of the great hall.

'And Y/n?', she looked at me.

'I'm going with Harry too!', I said and quickly ran behind Harry.

'Hey, Y/n!-- Wait! she's going somewhere!', I could hear Sirius calling after me. No matter what, I'm going "With"  Harry this time!


'Oi, Where are you going?', said Harry panting and asked me as he noticed me following him, when he slowed down to check the Marauder's Map.

'Wherever you go', I said catching some air. 'Can't you sense the fact that I'm following you right now?'

'No!', he said without certainty. 'I-I mean, It's--'

'Dangerous?, come on! I don't care if it's dangerous!', I said. 'Why are you avoiding me?'

'A-avoiding,... you?', he gave a nervous chuckle. 'I'm not--'

'Look, you're shivering like hell, and what if you faint on the way before even dueling him, I'm here for your support, Harry...'

'Okay, fine', he bit his lip, looking at the map, and closing his eyes in concentration. 'Come on!', he pulled my wrist and dragged me with him, without saying where we were heading to.

He stopped on the floor where the Room of Requirement was, and his eyes scanned for someone or something.  'Nick! NICK! I need to talk to you!'

Who the heck was Nick.. Oh the ghost Nick, right...

'Harry! My dear boy!', said the Ghost. 'Oh, and Y/n!', he shook hands with us, which apparently felt like putting your hand into a frozen lake.

'Nick, you've got to help me. Who's the ghost of Ravenclaw Tower?', he said hastily. And his voice was hoarse like hadn't tasted water for a few days.

Nearly Headless Nick looked surprised and a little offended. 'The Gray Lady, of course; but if it is a ghostly service you require--?'

'It's got to be her--- d'you know where she is?'


I just learnt the whole thing about the Horcruxes Voldemort created when he was a youth, I wonder how Dumbledore knew the whole thing and he just disappeared now with a pretty boy named Harry to do all his work. Well but the main reason for all these is that Prophecy.

'Where the hell have you been?', Harry shouted suddenly, when I lifted my head up to see Ron and Hermione, walking toward us with a grin etched on their faces, like they two just confirmed that they are going to have a baby.

'Chamber of Secrets', said Ron.

'Chamber — what?', said Harry.

'It was Ron, all Ron's idea!', said Hermione breathlessly. 'Wasn't it absolutely brilliant? There we were, after you left, and I said to Ron, even if we find the other one, how are we going to get rid of it? We still hadn't got rid of the cup! And then he thought of it! The basilisk!'

'What the--?', started Harry

'Something to get rid of Horcruxes', said Ron simply. He looked at the things held in Hermione's and Ron's hands, A tusk-like thingy.
'But how did you get in there?' he asked. 'You need to speak Parseltongue'

'He did!', whispered Hermione. 'Show him, Ron!'

Ron made a horrible strangled hissing noise, which made me forget every pain I held in my heart and laughed out loud.

'It's what you did to open the locket', he told apologetically. 'I had to have a few goes to get it right, but', he shrugged modestly, 'We got there in the end'

'He was amazing', said Hermione. 'Amazing!'
'So...' Harry was struggling to keep up. 'So...'
'We're another Horcrux down, you idiot', I told him.
'Genius!', yelled Harry as soon as he processed what we had been saying. 

'Okay, now if you stop praising your boyfriend, Hermione... We've got some Horcruxes to destroy', I said shoving my hand in the air.

'S-she knows', Ron pointed to me. 

'Wait how?', Hermione raised her eyebrows. 

'I told her', Harry said. 

'Wait!', Ron said suddenly. 'We've forgot the house elves, they're in the dungeons--'

Hermione threw the basilisk fang down with a clatter and threw her arms around Ron and kissed him passionately. My face automatically flushed as I was seeing them kiss for the first time. Harry looked irritated. 


'Take that back', Ron said breaking their kiss. 'I'll be telling that when you and Y/n are kissing!'

'Ey!', I said.


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