Chapter 17: The worst D.A.D.A class ever

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Y/n was on her way to the D.A.D.A classroom. She swiftly moved and muttered "Excuse me's" and "Sorry's" frequently. She had to reach the classroom in two minutes. Surprisingly, she bumped into someone, which later resulted in the spilling of ink and flying of several spare parchments in that corridor. 

'Sor-- You?!'

It was Theodore Nott, whom she had met a year ago. He had grown so much in some months and had become severely lean. His eyes were sunken and tired, he probably didn't have good sleep. She just realized that he wasn't hovering around alone, He was accompanied by her "Brother" and Miss. Parkinson (Who thinks she's the most gorgeous girl in the whole wide world). Theodore Nott, who wasn't in the mode of arguing, pulled out his wand to help Y/n pick her stuff which fell down.

'I can help myself', she said stiffly and performed the required spell which made the spilled ink get back into the bottle and the parchments piled up.

'If you'll excuse me'

Draco raised his eyebrows, he acted as if he had never seen that girl ever before. She stuck her tongue out and walked away from them, reaching their dark arts classroom two minutes late. She saw the "Toad woman", Prof. Umbridge with her different pink clothes and a weird cardigan, which Harry hated with his life. She went in.

'Hem hem'

Y/n turned her head to meet her toady face. She smiled in a bizarre manner from ear to ear. 

'Are you not supposed to ask excuse before entering a classroom, Miss?'


'Ah, Miss. Malfoy, Is it?', she said, increasing the sweetness in her voice.

'I told you just now, can't you hear?', Y/n replied.

'I see,' she said. She stood up from her desk and walked closer to her. Her heels clacked along the floor as she came closer. She lifted Y/n's chin up towards her. Her toady smile grew bigger.

'Y/n Malfoy', she said in her sweetest high-pitched voice. 'You better keep your cheek away from me, alright?'

'I'll try not to, Professor Umbridge'

'Well, that's a good girl', she said and walked towards her desk, as Y/n stuck her tongue out. She literally wanted to say "You better keep your nose away from me", but what she said was totally different. Y/n scanned the room for an empty chair, which was near Rose Zeller. 

'Hi Zeller', she said.

'Hi', she said un-enthusiastically. 

Professor Umbridge sat on her chair and said, 'Wands away, quills out please' opened her handbag, extracted her own wand, which was an unusually short one, and tapped the blackboard sharply with it; words appeared on the board at once:

Y/n stared at her for a moment, D.A.D.A class without wands but with parchments and quills, A toad for a professor, A pinky girlish room for a classroom, An uninterested bunch of students...

'You will be pleased to know, however, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centered, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. Copy down the following, please.'

'Excuse me, Professor we learnt all these last year', Dennis asked.

'Your hand is not up, Mr. Creevey'

Dennis stretched his hand up and repeated  the same question, to which Professor Umbrigde replied, 'Okay then, tell me about the Wolfsbane potion you learnt last year'

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