Chapter 9: Wishes come true

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It was a dreadful end for Y/n's first year. The Dark Lord has arrived. Cedric Diggory, the innocent one was murdered. Harry Potter, best to say, her boyfriend was highly in danger. And she... was disowned. Can something happen to a twelve year old, worse than this!?

Y/n was sitting on an armchair with a boring comic, which can be described as the worst of her first year. Her only caring aunt, Andromeda Tonks was in the kitchen. Ted Tonks was snoring in the opposite armchair. Nymphadora Tonks had gone somewhere out. 

'Y/n/n!', Andy called her. 'The snacks are ready, dear!'

'Coming Andy!', Y/n happily closed the comic and went to the kitchen. She leaned on the doorpost.

'Where's Ted?', she said.

'Sleeping', Y/n shrugged. 'When will Dora come?---'

The door was opened and a happy looking Dora entered. Her hair was a light purple shade, that day. She walked hastily and hugged Andy.

'Mum!', she said.'Do you know what!?'

'No, what?', said Andy.

'Sirius is cleared of all charges!', she said. 'And they're searching for Pettigrew!'

'Sirius is free now!?', said Y/n, who checked twice if she heard that right.Dora nodded.

'Wow... that's amazing, dear', said Andy.

'And the other thing is..', said Dora.'They're gonna reform the order of Phoenix!', she whispered.

'The Order of Phoenix?', said Y/n. 'What is that?'

'Oh, that's a secret society...', she said.'for defeating you-know-who'

'Oh, okay', she said and sat in the chair.

'Mum, can I go to Grimmauld place tomorrow?', said Dora. 'They're beginning the order'

'Sure..', said Andy, she served three plates with pancakes.'Who else are joining?'

'The Weasleys, Sirius, Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Kingsley, Mundungus... Oh, and Remus, That's all I could remember', she said.

'the Weasleys!?... Ron's gonna be there?!', said Y/n, collecting all her hidden enthusiasm.

'I guess so', she said.'The other friend of yours... H--'

'Harry!?', she said.'Harry's coming!?'

'No... This is... that... Harmonica.. Ginger, something', said Dora.

'Hermione Granger!', she said.'Oh! I'd love to come with you!'

'But, It's not for kids--'

'I'm not joining the order', snapped Y/n. 'I just wanna play with the others, Ron and Hermione...'

'Oh... Mum, can I take Y/n with me tomorrow?', Dora asked her mum.

'Okay... but she has to come here by 9 pm', Andy said.

'That's no problem! Thank you Andy! and you too Dora!'

The next morning was bright and wonderful as ever to Y/n. That's because she was meeting her friends today, after so long. Her letters didn't receive any replies, she was a bit angry with them. Even Harry, didn't send a letter.

'Y/n!', Dora called from downstairs.

'Coming!', she said, as she examined her look for the final time in the mirror. Her (Long/ short/ medium) H/c hair was combed into a pretty _______. Her (Plain/spotted/striped/ floral designed) dress was too cute that day. Her make up (Slight/ no/ bright)was perfect. Her (Boots/ heels/flats/ slippers) were matched perfectly. She finally opened a wooden jewelry box, with her initials engraved on top of it. She took out a crystal heart necklace which Harry had gifted his girlfriend on their first date.

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