Chapter 41: Burning letters and New nicknames

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Winter blossomed in Hogwarts. Also, the attention Harry got over the past few months had increased vehemently. While Y/n had to hide her jealousy inside her head and heart, because they weren't a couple yet. But, to promote their relationship a bit further, Harry invited Y/n as his date to Slug Club's Christmas Party. 

The great hall decorated with the usual twelve Christmas trees, garlands of holly and tinsel had been twisted around the banisters of the stairs; everlasting candles glowed from inside the helmets of suits of armor and great bunches of mistletoe had been hung at intervals along the corridors.

 Large groups of girls tended to converge underneath the mistletoe bunches every time Harry went past, which caused blockages in the corridors, which triggered Y/n's ultimate patience and anger, and she gulped the urge of slapping them. But this one girl...

'Christmas might be the perfect day to give my chosen one a letter!', Romilda Vane squealed intentionally waving a piece of parchment as Y/n walked by. 'He will accept me as his girlfriend finally'

Y/n  stopped in her tracks a few chairs away and walked back to face Romilda. When she looked at Y/n a smug smile bloomed on her face. 'Can anyone sense something burning?', she giggled with her idiotic friends. 'Because, I see his ex's stomach burning here'

They giggled unpleasantly again, and Y/n's anger lit up like forest fire from head to toe. 'Seems like little Miss perfect is jealous', her friend said.

'But she can't do anything', another girl said.

'Because she's--hey!', Romilda protested, as Y/n grabbed the love letter she wrote for Harry. 'Give it back!'

'Wait, Romilda... In a few seconds, I'll read it and will return, if possible', Y/n smirked.

'Hello Harry,

It's me Romilda Vane. Well, you know that I've laid an eye on you since day one in Hogwarts. All I want is you and only you. Moreover that you aren't dating anyone right now, I can be your company...In your room, on your bed... So yeah... please say "yes". 

Love, Romilda ', Y/n read.

'Seriously Vane?', she raised an eyebrow at her. 'Your choice of words are really...eww... and your words, if Harry ever reads this, He'd definitely tear and throw it in your face'


'Wait, not finished yet', Y/n's smile grew bigger. 'Besides, you're kinda compelling him, which he dislikes, for your information, Vane', she withdrew her wand from her pocket, and pointed it at the parchment.

'NO, DON'T!', she warned.

'Incendio! ', Y/n's eyes looked at her innocently. 'Oops, sorry'

'YOU! LITTLE SHIT! YOU'RE NOT EVEN HIS GIRLFRIEND WHY THE HELL DO YOU EVEN CARE!?', She stood from her seat and reached for Y/n's collar.

'Romi, calm!'


'Well, I'm not his girlfriend, right...not yet ', she emphasized. 'The thing is, I am not as free as you, and Bye, I've got work and Harry to do', she smirked.

'BITCH!', she yelled.

'Also, Harry doesn't prefer "Hello" for greeting', Y/n yelled in a sing song tone.


Y/n giggled to herself as she walked out of the great hall, securing her scarf as she walked out to the grounds, her bag swinging from her shoulder as she walked. A pair of hands came out of nowhere and grabbed her, her heartbeat elevating, as for her that she thought she was getting abducted again, she punched him.

'Ouch, baby girl!'

'Oh, It's just you', Y/n sighed in relief as she saw Harry Potter, the man who stole the spotlight in all her dreams.

'Just me?', he repeated, 'Do you know how that hurts, baby girl?'

'First, stop calling me a babybaby girl, I am not your baby girl! ', Y/n snarled, her hands on her hips. 'Second, it's cringy as fuck'

'Well then how do I call you?', he raised his eyebrows. 'What about, Munchkin, Smurf, Tinkerbell, and Thumbelina?'

'Hey! I'm not that short, okay?', Y/n puffed her cheeks in embarrassment.

'How about Shortcake?'


'Okay then, nickname suited!', Harry announced. 'Hey Shortcake!'

'NOO!', she protested, though she did/did not like the nickname. 'Okay... then I think it's time for you to get a new nickname', she laughed.

(Answers in the comments, guys... do you like your ff nickname?)

Harry cleared his throat, 'You already have plenty for me.... Harold, Hazza, Potterson--'

'Those are shitty nicknames... let me give you a better one', she smirked.

'Fine. Just don't tell something stupid', he rolled his eyes.

'I am not you, Harry', she stuck her tongue out. 'I hereby Nick name you, Maverick!'

'The what rick?', He raised his eyebrows.

'A Maverick is a person... like you, if said in short', she explained. 'To be certain, we can even define the word Maverick as a rule breaker, independent and impertinent, it's so you, Harry!'

'I am impertinent', he agreed. 'So, I guess the name suits, and I kind of like it'

'Well, I'll soon come up with something that troubles you more, so I can annoy you'

'No, please no annoying!', he raised his hands surrendering. Maybe he was reminded of Colin Creevey.

'Nope never, For-now-Maverick', she said. 'I try hard to be annoying, don't insult my ability to annoy'

'Fine, you got me to forget the reason I am here', he sighed. 'Slughorn's Party, you're coming right?'

'Of course!', she shrieked. 'What about Hermione? did she ask Ron?'

'Ron?', Harry managed a laugh. 'She is going with McLaggen'

'That motherfucker?!', Y/n rolled her eyes in disbelief. 'Cormac McLaggen of all the other guys? is she out of her head or something? that guy is such a---'

'Well, well, stay silent', he shushed. 'Somebody will hear you'

'I don't care', she waved. 'Besides, Vane had prepared a letter for you'

'A letter for me?'

Y/n explained how Romilda Vane and her giggling bitchy friends kept laughing, and how she had snatched it and read it. 

Harry laughed at the story. 'She thought I'd share a bed with her, how very funny'

'Well, it means you, should step forward towards our story and fuck off all the fantasizing girls who're running behind you and waiting under a mistletoe!'

'Calm down, shortcake! why so tense?', he smiled. 'I have and will have only one girl in my heart forever and that will be you, Y/n'


Y/n was in her dorm, infront of a mirror, examining herself and the dress she wore for the Christmas party. 

It was _______ in colour, _________in length. Her hair was done like ___________, which made it too impossible for Harry to keep his eyes away from her. Her makeup was perfect ________. Harry smiled and thought to himself, Harry, we're on the right track with the right girl. 


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