Chapter 46: He will Fall into hell for her

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Harry's Pov~

The locket... the cup... the snake... something of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's... the locket... the cup... the snake... something of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's...

I kept repeating that thing for days now, but still my dumb brain doesn't know what  to do. 

Dumbledore disappeared somewhere without even telling me the exact thing, now Ron, Hermione and myself had to wash and dry our brains everyday. Then Snape himself turned out to be the Half-Blood Prince, that's when I knew why he was acting so weird with Malfoy and his Sectumsempra incident, and he almost tried to kill Dumbledore for Malfoy. 

 Complicated. Complicated like hell.

Now he left me on a mission to find those bloody horcruxes so he could peacefully sleep? Idiotic. Totally not-Dumbledore. But he wasn't the only reason.... Trelawney's Prophecy too... The main reason I am here with a prickling damn scar.

'Y/n?', I watched her standing at the doorway, her hands tentatively in her pockets. 

'Guys', she sighed and took a seat beside me. 'We've got lots of other work to do.... I mean, We have Bill's wedding, we could plan something for that, and keep us diverted from what had already happened--'

'Y/n, I'm sorry but', I stopped and took a breath. 'We're not in the mood to plan out a wedding'. Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement, she looked slightly offended. But still deep down, I'm afraid that Voldemort will keep an eye on her because I love her.

'We could keep all your mission aside, can't we?', she looked at me with her pleading eyes, my only weakness till now. 'A little break will help you think better'

'Y/n's right, Harry', Hermione said. 'We've been worrying ourselves, everything will be fine... so, what about Bill's wedding? are we wearing matching clothes, Y/n?'

'Haven't decided', she shrugged as a smile bloomed on her face. 'If you say so, We can do twinning!'

'That would be great!', Hermione squealed. 'We'll leave you two alone, c'mon Ronald'

She pulled him outside leaving me and her alone. 

'So?', she asked me.

'So? So, what?', I smirked. 'Nothing. No idea. Useless, empty brain.... no clue about anything'

'Uh huh... so, what have you been thinking all day then?'


'You were thinking about me?', she touched her heart. 'Aww so touching, Harry...'

'It's serious, Y/n and I worry about your safety', I came to the point. 'Voldy will be having an eye on you because of me, I will have to protect you'

'I don't need a guy to protect me', she retorted. 'I'm capable of protecting myself and I-am-not-a-kid! '

'I know, but still-'

'Harry you need to understand that...', she sighed. 'Nothing's gonna stop me from loving you... If anything does, I'm not that reckless to leave them do anything, by the way... but still if... Anything comes to spoil our love lives, I swear they'll die in my hands'

I gulped. So if I ever decide to break up with her... I die? Nah... never mind. 'Nothing will stop us, Y/n... I'm forever yours'

'I'm always yours', she gave me a quick peck on the lips, which I adore like heaven in her. 'And I'll be there with you, even in your mission'

'No, Y/n you can't... T-this is dangerous', I said curtly. 

'I don't care, Harry', she snapped. 'If that's so dangerous, I can let you do that!'


'I will go with you'

'Y/n listen', I said. 'I've already cheated death, and that's why I'm here right now... If I must die, I will die'


'And... I've already committed  so many mistakes', I smirked. 'I prefer you not to be one of them'

She sighed and threw her arms around me. 'But, you can't go without me, Harry... If you go, I go... If you die, then I die too'

'Shh!', I shushed her. The thoughts of her dying had engulfed me with nothing but regret and revenge. 'You're not dying... Y/n, I'll never let you'

'Oh... and so will I', she smiled at me. 'We die and live together, don't we?'

'Yep, we', I repeated. 'And there's another thing...', I put my hand into my pocket. Should I give... or should I not?... Should I give... how would she react if I give this to her.... Okay, Harry! give this! now!

'This!', she exclaimed when she hastily grabbed the crystal clear heart necklace, I bought during our first date, back in my fourth year when we were nothing but just kids, who never knew what love was. 'I've been searching for this!'

'I won't tell how I got this, but you need to keep this forever', I said. 'You have to put this on every time'

'Is that a condition?'

'A promise', I breathed. 'A promise that you'd never take it off ever again'

'I promise', she said, putting it on her neck. She hugged me again, we stood like that for a few minutes, like we wanted to be that close for ever. 



'Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to', I took a deep breath. 'He already hates you, for so many reasons, like the dark mark thing... So... Think how much danger you'll be in if you're so close to me. He'll know, he'll find out and he'll try and get to me through you'

'Are you asking me to break up with you?', she translated the whole paragraph I recited.

'I-I don't mean it', I averted my gaze. 'I'm too dangerous for you'

'I don't care, you dolt'

'I do, Y/n!', I sighed. 'If something happens--'

'Shut your pessimistic mouth, Potter', she snapped. 'I swear I'll survive Voldy Moldy and then, I'll finish Hogwarts, I'll become_______ and then... we.. we'll get married', she stuttered at the last part, I guessed it was due to shyness but... Y/n isn't usually that shy.  (A/N: fill your fav wizarding world occupation)

'If you say so', I said. 'But if you ever let anything to happen to that precious body and soul of yours, I  swear I'll visit you in hell and kill you'

'You've confirmed that I'll go to hell?', she giggled at me.

'Yes, who allows a girl like you into heaven'

'What about you?', she retorted playfully. 'Won't you jump into hell for me?'

'I will', I pulled her closer and kissed her like I've never kissed her (I don't think it made any sense, but it did), which had three reasons: one, I don't know how long will be together, two, I don't know if we'll see each other if I went on the Horcrux mission and three, we wanted it. 

'I swear if I had to throw myself into hell for you, I'll do it', I swore.


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