Chapter 47: Bill and Fleur tie the knot!

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Y/n's Pov~

I looked at myself in the mirror. Hermione and I twinned as planned. She said my ideas were better than hers, so I designed this dress. 

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It was so comfortable to wear except for the golden leaves which covered our necks. But it still suited Hermione than me, because of her hair which was now straightened and twirled by the sleekeazy's hair potion. She looked like a Greek goddess in that dress.

'How do I look?', she asked me, spinning around in her dress. 

'Like a goddess, Hermione', I said. 'Seriously'

'Mhm', she hummed. 'You look great too'

'Thanks', I said putting on my heart necklace.

'Is Y/n here?', came Ginny's voice. 'Oh there you are!'

She came in with a weird looking bottle of something inside it, I guessed it wasn't water. She wore matching dresses with Gabrielle, a golden dress which almost matched ours.

'Drink this', she gave me that bottle of something. 

'Is this poison?', I said. 'If it is, then I'd gladly take this, because I'm really getting tired of life'

'Nuh uh', Ginny shook her head. 'It's actually Polyjuice potion'

'Polyjuice? why should I take this?', I asked, completely confused and unaware of my surroundings.

'Seriously, Y/n?', Ginny rolled her eyes. 'We don't want Voldemort luring you into his net, so, drink it'

'Whose hair and nails did you add in it?', I grimaced as I opened the bottle filled with cherry pink coloured liquid and smelled like nasty medicine.

'Hey, it doesn't look that bad', Hermione looked into the bottle. 

'Drink and find out', Ginny ordered. 'Now'

'I won't be hideous, would I ?', I took the bottle to my lips.

'Nope... you'd be prettier than you think', she said. 

'Whatever', I sighed before I gulped the whole liquid from the bottle. I felt my organs trying to crawl out their usual positions, and my hands turned leaner than it used to be, I became a bit shorter in height, which I objected to, and my h/c hair was straight and blonde. I regretted wasting so much time in doing my hair and makeup.

'Oh.My.God?', I said as my jaw dropped at my own look. 

I didn't have a need to redo my makeup or hair. I... I mean, the girl who made this polyjuice was so perfect, she looked like a veela. 

'Who is she?', I pointed to my own reflection, with beautiful grey eyes and blonde straight, even hair. 

'You'll be Aurelia Delacour', Ginny clasped her hands together. 'You're Fleur's cousin and... well that's it if anyone asks you something, just shut up, I hope you know a bit of French?'

'Can I know who this really is... please?', I pleaded.

'She's a muggle girl. Who was admitted to St.Mungo's', Ginny explained.

'Oh..kay?', I said uncertainly. This muggle girl must probably be admitted there because she was fatally injured. 'Je suis Aurelia Delacour, la cousine de Fleur', I said in clear French, I learnt it when I was younger.

'Perfect', Hermione whispered and shared a fist bump with Ginny. 


'We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls...'

I glanced around searching for Harry, but he was nowhere to be seen, I wonder where he is.

'Yes, my tiara sets off the whole thing nicely', said Auntie Muriel in a whisper. 'But I must say, Ginevra's dress is far too low cut... so is yours, Aurelia'

 I rolled my eyes. Ginny glanced around, grinning, winked at Rigel, then quickly faced the front again. Rigel who stood beside me, looked flustered and quickly averted his gaze to the ground.

'Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle...?'

In the front row, Mrs. Weasley and Madame Delacour were both sobbing quietly. 

'...then I declare you bonded for life'
The tufty-haired wizard waved his wand high over the heads of Bill and Fleur and a shower of silver stars fell upon them, spiraling around their now entwined figures. 

'Ladies and gentlemen!', he called the crowd. 'If you all would please stand up'

'Where's Harry?', I asked Rigel. 'I never saw him from the morning'

'Who knows?', he shrugged. 'I don't know... but it's really dangerous for him to hang out casually in gatherings like these'

'Yesterday was his birthday, and I was at your home, Rigel', I hissed. 'I want to give him the present, but that bitch isn't around--', I cut myself off when I heard a typical coughing behind us, that I quickly spun my head involuntarily to look at a red head, probably one of the Weasley cousins.

'You should be talking French, dimwit', he hissed. 'Otherwise someone's gonna find who you are!'

'Ah très bien! Je vais fermer ma putain de bouche', I said smirking that he wouldn't understand half of it.

'Ça, c'est mieux', he copied my smirk. 'Thought I didn't know Français, didn't you? It's a damn Black Family thing'

'Va te faire foutre, Rigel', I giggled. 'My mum is a Black too'

'I know....Don't take that for granted', he said as Ginny came to escort him for a waltz. 'Gotta go, girlie'. They walked on with their hands joined together, I wished Harry was right here, so we could dance.

'Au revoir, idiot', I waved at him. 'Hey!', I protested as the typical coughing- red head pulled my wrist. 'Who are you and why are you pulling me?', I demanded as I drew my wand out, pointing it at his neck.

'I'm Harry Potter', he said. 'My own girlfriend doesn't know me?'

'How should I believe you?', I demanded the red head. 

'I can answer whatever you ask', he said confidently.  'Anything'

'Fine', I thought. 'What's my middle name?'

'Nova', he said. 'Y/n Nova Malfoy'

'Okay', I took a deep breath. 'Who was my first kiss?'

'Theodore Nott', he raised an eyebrow at me like I can't ask harder questions.

'When is our anniversary?', I smirked internally like he couldn't find it.

'First one or the second?', he smirked at me.

'Perfect, Harry', I smiled. 'So can I ask, why do you look like this?'

He examined himself before giving me a weak smile, 'Polyjuice potion. They thought Voldy would come here because of me'

'Same goes here... so... how was your birthday at the burrow?', I said. 

'Not bad', he said with another signature smirk. 'I had a good time, making Scrimgeour regret his life'

'Mhm?', I raised my eyebrows at him. 'What did you do?'

'Long story short... I annoyed him'


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