Chapter 61: Big Day for Y/n and Harry

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Y/n's Pov~

Three years later from the dreadful Battle of Hogwarts. Harry and I are still dating, fortunately without any fights. 

I'm Y/n Malfoy, and I'm turning seventeen today. 

I graduated from Hogwarts with good grades in N.E.W.T.S, before a few months ago. Well, I must mention that Harry's no longer like a coconut tree to me, I've grown almost to his shoulder, that he cannot call me, Shortie anymore. 

Ignoring my height, there are many things to worry about. My seventeenth birthday. Which can also mean, that today, is the day in which is scheduled for Mattheo to put on a ring in my hand. Our fucking wedding day.

As for Mattheo, he loves Daphne Greengrass, Astoria's sister... Wait, Did I mention Astoria is betrothed to Draco? Okay... but, I hate the fact that they never loved each other before arranging their marriage.

Mattheo likes me like a younger sister and we don't want to get into Marriage and stuff. So that is one reason why we planned this... no spoilers!

Yesterday, Harry appeared in my room where, I was holding my gorgeous, white wedding dress to my body. He promised me that he'll do something today. 

And I always believe in his promises no matter what. He somehow tries to accomplish it. 


I got to choose all the decorations, and accessories of my choice, I was allowed to invite people except for Harry. I asked my father if I could have a muggle styled marriage, and he said yes! That is the only reason I'm sitting here holding peace. 

'Ma'am, you're shaking your head, it's hard to braid, please stay still', said my stylist. 

'Oh, I'm sorry', I said. 

'You're so lucky to get a father like him, you know', she said. 'He grants all your wishes'

'Ah, you wouldn't be telling that if you know he that he disowned me seven years ago'

'He disowned you?!', she said. 'That's terrible'

'I know, the only reason is I was sorted into Gryffindor', I said. 'Everyone in my family is in Slytherin', I sighed. 'And, I hope you're a Hufflepuff'

'Yes, I am', she giggled. 'You're observant'

'Yeah, I got it from my mother...', I laughed. 'God, you're an awesome stylist!'



I was being forced to wear a fuzzy, but beautiful wedding dress and my hair was being styled for four hours. I do complain, but it looked pretty on me, never gonna lie. 

'Oop!-', I said as my stylist tightened the corset. 'Can  we loosen it a bit, I can't breathe!'

'This is how they wear this, Ma'am', she said. 'Besides, I've already told them that you didn't need to wear this, you're already beautiful!'

'By the way-- please call me Y/n'

'Okay... Y/n', she smiled. 'I hate corsets'

'So do I, from now... I think Harry wouldn't want me to wear this--'

'Harry?', she repeated. 'I think the boy's name is Matthew or something--'

'Yeah, yeah Mattheo... He's the boy, but Harry is my Boyfriend ', I rolled my eyes. 'I will marry Harry tonight'

'What?!', she looked up at my reflection in the mirror. 'You.. you're not planning to run away are you?'

'Of course not, you'll see'


My head felt so heavy with all the wreaths and, everything else the muggles call with different names. My dress, Oh my Lord, it didn't look that heavy, but when I'm moving around with it, yep... as heavy as a Hippogriff. 

I met Mattheo in formal wedding clothes, sending me a nervous look saying, Will it be okay?, I blinked back at him. 

Together, we walked down the aisle, my hands holding the rose bouquet with precaution that it shouldn't fall down.  My eyes scanned for the people I invited. Sirius, Ophelia with three year old Arty in her arms, Remus and Dora with Teddy, Hermione, Ron, Rigel, Ginny, Ivy and her boyfriend, and all the other Weasley's.

None of them looked satisfied in this wedding, Everyone was worried about Harry, except me. 


'We have gathered here, for the union of two lovely souls, Mattheo R-Riddle and Y/n Malfoy', the priest announced. 'Mr. Riddle, if you would please tell the vow'

'I, Mattheo Thomas Riddle, take you, Y/n Nova Malfoy, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish---'

Why the delay Harry?

'He--She's mine!', two voices echoed amidst the silence. Everyone who sat, got up.

Mattheo heaved a sigh of relief as he saw Daphne in a wedding dress and a bouquet in her hands. 

'Harry! It took you long enough!', I yelled at him. I wanted to hide my laugh because he looked so formal, and... you should've seen his hair, God!

'Hey, Soon to be Father-in-Law', he said to my dad. 'I want your girl's hand in this marriage, Will you bless us and accept this marriage?'

'Y/n, what is all this!?', he yelled at me. 'I told you, this marriage should be without interruption!'

'But, Father I love him!', I said. 'I don't love Mattheo!'

'But we had an unbreakable vow, if you..', he took a breath. 'Wed Potter, I die!'

'I don't care'

'I second that', Mattheo nodded as Daphne held his hand protectively. 

'I third that!', Ron raised his hand out of the blue. Hermione slapped his arm and pulled it down.

Draco stepped before me and him, his overgrown hair made him look like a ferret. 'Dad, the Dark Lord is Dead, so is your stupid vow, let my sister marry her man!'

I looked at Draco, who gave me a slight nod. 

'Fine, but if I die, you two will be facing the consequences', My father said looking away from the two of us. 

'Yesss!', Harry punched the air and scooped me in his arms and carried me in bridal style to the priest. 

'I Harry Potter, promise you, Y/n Malfoy that I'll be with you until the very end, as your one and only husband'

'I Y/n Malfoy, promise to take you, Harry Potter my husband as the one and only lover of my soul, until the very end', he put me down, as I brushed my dress. 

He knelt to the ground and pulled out a small box from his coat pocket and opened it, It obviously had a diamond ring in it. 'Marry me, Y/n?'

'That's a question?', I giggled. 'Oi, put it in my finger!'

He laughed at me and slid the ring into the finger where people put wedding rings and looked at me. 'Do I get a kiss?'

I giggled as we leaned into a kiss, and the crowd cheered. 


A.N: I think I'll cry rn... okay... This story has ended successfully ppl.... wait for the epilogue!! and tell me if I need to change the playlist! Love y'all and thank you so much for 4K!! don't forget to leave an honest review :3... byee<33 

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