Chapter 51: Would you feel happy if your fiance likes another girl?

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Y/n's Pov~

I woke up..

In my former home again... What the hell is my kidnapper thinking!? He keeps bringing me back to this place again and again.

'Hey!', I yelled when I saw a magical string binding. 'Why am I here'

'We, Y/n', said a dreamy voice beside me. 'I think we've passed out for days'. Luna? Wait...what is she doing here?

Oh... Oh I remember!

Ivy was staying at Hogwarts for the Easter holidays because her mum thinks there would be a problem travelling, so.. here we were.

I had planned to go to The Burrow, because Sirius said he was visiting Remus and his little son, Teddy who was a metamorphagus like my cousin Tonks.... I don't know if I should still call her that... well back to the point, Ginny, Rigel and I were going to the Weasley's for a week.

Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw like Ivy and a friend of Ginny accompanied us in a compartment at The Hogwarts Express. Just then,

'Prefects' Meeting, now', my brother, Draco's cold voice filled our compartment, him in his usual black, iconic suit. He turned without a greeting to his little sister.

'Sorry, Luna', Ginny said. 'We have to go'

'But Rigel is a Quidditch Captain' , I pointed out.

'Well...he's got the badge, and he has to come', Ginny answered for him. 'Come on, Luna... we'll be back, okay?'... But Harry didn't go when-- 

'Done', she said wearing her spectrespecs and old edition of The Quibbler, upside down.

We left for the meeting in the prefects' carriage where all the others were gathered before us. We took our seats, Ginny sat beside Draco. 

'Good Morning, Prefects', Draco said. 'So, I heard there were some kids who don't know any defensive spells, once we get back to Hogwarts, we need to start a secret union where we can teach them... So they learn to survive those which are yet to come--'

'Like the D.A', Ginny whispered beside me. I nodded, but I didn't attend any of them, because Umbitch existed. 

I really liked how Draco started to care for others instead of his own self. He has changed so much and I'm proud of his change. He had instructed us about the spells we needed to teach mainly, and the venue...

'Y/n, I need a word', Draco called when everyone exited, except Rigel and Ginny. 'A few minutes. Alone', he added when he saw Rigel and Ginny.

'Okay, Y/n', Rigel said. 

'We'll go, and you come soon, okay?', Ginny said. I nodded grimly.

Draco closed the compartment door behind them. 'I'm sorry, Y/n--Stupefy!' 

That's how I ended up here. Fuck you, Draco.

'Y/n?', Luna Lovegood snapped me out of my angry thoughts. 'Is this your house? It's sooo big and gives me Slytherin vibes, I think I hear the chattering of Wrackspurts'

'Wrackspurts chatter?', I asked her uncertainly and waved the thoughts away. 'Why are we here?'

'I can answer that question', I heard a familiar sneer nearby. For the freaking love of God, someone please turn on the lights!. 'Nice to meet you again, little niece'

Bellatrix Lestrange, the hell of my aunt, how pleased I am to meet  you.

'What do you want and why did you take Luna with me?', I ordered, in a bold voice so she will not know that I'm afraid or something... Well I'm not afraid of her anyway. 'I want your reply now'

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