Villain Steven

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(Narrator's POV)

On Homeworld, a young man sits on the throne that once belonged to his mother as he looks upon the Gems under his command as Yellow, Blue and White sit in their thrones along with him.

This is.....or rather was ....Steven Universe. But he's changed greatly from who he once was. Once an optimistic young man who fought to bring peace to both Earth and Homeworld, he was now drained of any type of remorse, happiness and joy he once had for anyone, human or Gem. The pain he had endured over the years had consumed him. It was as if a completely different person had taken over.

But it was still Steven. But in name and powers only. Powers that he now had no issue using to get his point across if necessary. And the same authority he used to bring about Era 3 was the same that he used to abolish it.

Era 3 was no more. The Diamond Authority was reinstated. The era of peace that was created was brought down by the very same person who created it.

And it didn't go unnoticed by anyone on Earth. The Crystal Gems were up in arms and heartbroken that the hybrid they loved would do such a thing as destroy his own creation of peace. Connie and Greg were heartbroken that the boy they both loved had become so cold hearted.

But most importantly, they were all scared. Because nothing was stopping Steven from ordering an all out assault on Earth. And many feared that because of his disdain for the Gems that he once called family, he'd have no qualms of leaving destruction in his wake just as a giant middle finger to them.

But why would anyone believe that? Wasn't there any chance that there was even a small hint of the old Steven somewhere in this new and hateful person?

In truth, it's because of how kind hearted Steven once was that makes the situation so frightening. Because this Steven is exactly what the Gems and everyone who knew him behind closed doors wanted to avoid: Because a person with that much capacity for love often times has just as much capacity for cruelty if pushed too far.

Steven had become the very person that the Crystal Gems hoped he'd never be. And what's even worse is how they couldn't help but feel that they were a large part of the reason why.

"Steven? You seem deep in thought, dear." Blue said as Steven sighed.

"It's nothing, Blue. Just thinking about what to do from here. More and more, I start to wonder why I even thought Era 3 was a good idea. I brought them peace and they brought me pain. Humans are selfish. And those Gems on Earth have been around humans so long that they've been tainted with that same selfishness." The hybrid said as White chuckled.

"I could have told you that. So does that mean you'll give an order to finally deal with that speck of dirt you once called home? Those Gems you once called family?" She asked.

"I could at any time, couldn't I? But really that'd be too easy. Too simple to just wipe them out. Especially when I know for a fact that the Crystal Gems wouldn't have a chance against an all out assault. I lived with them. I know how terrified Garnet and Pearl are of another war with Homeworld. So why not watch them just squirm? Especially that high and mighty fusion." Steven replied.

"You really hate them, don't you?" Yellow asked as Steven sighed.

"No, to be honest. I don't hate them. It's just that after being around them for so long, I know how they are." He said.

"You should have known they'd never appreciate your efforts, Steven. Why would you even think that such defective Gems could ever appreciate a Diamond's generosity? You gave them a chance at peace. You brought them peace. Gave everything you had to keep that peace and how do they repay you? By leaving you in pain when you needed them the most. The truth is: Those Crystal Gems never deserved you. That planet never deserved you. Because they never appreciated you, Steven." White said as Steven felt his power rising due to his anger.

"They left me to suffer. But I have to show I'm better than them. They could be dealt with at any time I chose. But I won't. I'll just let them live in fear. The same fear that they allowed me to live in? The fear I had for my own life? They will feel it now." He said, trying to control his anger.

(Meanwhile on Earth.....)

"Connie, you look like you haven't slept in days." Pearl said in concern as Connie arrived in Little Homeworld.

"Constant fear of impeding doom will do that to you, Pearl. I just can't believe things have come to this. Why.....why has Steven done this? Why has he become this?" The young woman asked as Lion nuzzled her.

"I wish I knew. So many futures I saw and not one of them had this outcome. But then again, I've never been able to get a read on what Steven does. He's such an anomaly to my Future Vision." Garnet said as Amethyst sighed.

"So what do we do? At any time, Steven could order an attack that's gonna wipe us all out. We don't have a chance if he does that. But.....would he do that? That's what I wanna know. Would he really just have us all killed like that? I just can't see him doing that, no matter what he is now." The Purple Gem said.

"We didn't expect him to abolish Era 3 or reinstate the Diamond Authority either and he did both. But part of me feels like that was just a shot at us. He knows we don't stand a chance if Homeworld sends an all out assault. And he's leaving us in suspense and fear because of that. I never believed for a moment Steven had such a vindictive streak in him. Were we really that bad of guardians to him?" Pearl asked as she sat down on the ground and placed her hands over her face in grief.

"I guess since he's lived his life in fear looking over his shoulder, he wants us to feel the same thing. He really hates us now. What are we going to do, Garnet?" Connie asked.

"Honestly. I don't know. We don't stand a chance if an all out assault comes. That's just an unavoidable fact. All we can do is hope Steven stays his hand." The fusion said as everyone went back to what they were doing.

Really, what else could they do? No matter how anyone sliced it, Steven was the one holding the upper hand.

And all anyone could do is hope that hand isn't forced.





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