A Father/Son Talk

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Before I begin, I have a message for -xDiamond :

Before I begin, I have a message for -xDiamond :

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*So you're coming my way?*

*Yeah, son. I need to have a talk with you. I made sure to tell Garnet first so that she'd keep Pearl out of our hair.*

*Dad, you don't have much hair for her to get into, thanks to Bluebird*

*Oh, you became a comedian while you've been gone, eh Schtuball? Ah well. Not like you're wrong. Anyway, Let's meet up at the Diner we went to. The one in Keystone?*

*That's where I'm heading now. How far off are you?*

*I can see it. And I see you as well*

That was the text chat between Steven and his father Greg that the elder Universe hoped would be the first step. Now it was time for step two as the two embraced. Even though it hadn't been more than a month since Steven left home, it felt like much longer.

Heading inside the diner, Steven and Greg ordered their meal and talked for a while. It was a much needed father/son talk that many believe was long overdue, but Greg felt that now was the perfect time to have one.

"So you're heading on the road with Sadie Killer and the Suspects? Nice, Dad! Hope you guys have fun!" Steven said happily as Greg chuckled.

"Heh. Well I still have a few good years left in me. Might as well spend them on the road where all this really began for me. The tour will be almost a full year, but I'll keep in contact and send you some streams and photos from the concerts. Actually, Sadie herself wanted to make sure I did that. She and Shep say Hi by the way." The man explained as Steven smiled.

"It's great that they're doing so well. Maybe I'll run into you guys on the road." He replied as Greg sighed.

"Actually....that's what I wanted to talk to you about, Steven. I...well I talked to your therapist in person. And not just me: Connie's Mom and Garnet were there too. Priyanka was there on Connie's behalf as well. And we all agree that maybe being on the road isn't best for you right now, Steven. You're only a few months removed from the worst breakdown you've ever had in your life. The place you need to be is at home with your loved ones." He explained as Steven sighed.

"Would they even want me to come back? After all that happened?" The hybrid asked with a sigh as Greg chuckled.

"Steven. You have no idea how much you're missed, son. Especially by a certain Blue Gem and a certain Green Gem. And Pearl hasn't stopped crying of course." The elder Universe chuckled as Steven smiled.

Maybe leaving home so soon was a bit rash, especially after such a huge breakdown. And really, they were all right: Being on the lonesome road wasn't exactly the best idea right now.

"And besides, between me and you? They're hopeless without you, Steven." Greg said as Steven chuckled.

"Oh come on, Dad. I'm sure it isn't that bad." The hybrid replied as Greg smirked.

"Look all I'm saying is that if brains were dynamite, I don't think Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl combined would have enough to blow their noses when it comes to a lot of things." He said as Steven couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright. I get it." The hybrid replied as their food arrived...

*A few hours later....*

"Greg hasn't called back yet. Not even a text message! Gah, I knew I should have gone along as well!" Pearl exclaimed as Garnet faceplamed.

"This is why I went to the therapy session instead of you, Pearl." The fusion said as they all soon heard the sound of two horns as Greg drove up...with Steven driving right along with him!

The two vehicles pulled up and parked on the beach as Steven got out first...and was immediately swarmed by a group of tearful Gems!

"I can't say no to you guys." Steven said with tears in his eyes as Connie and her Mom came up. Connie then planted a kiss on Steven's cheek.

"I'm glad you aren't going anywhere. After all that happened, the best place you could be is here with us, Steven." She said as she then gave the hybrid a quick peck on the lips as Greg and Priyanka looked on at their respective children and smiled.

"You convinced him to come home,  I see?" Priyanka said as Greg chuckled.

"Yeah. Just trying to be a good father." He replied.

"Well..there's a first time for everything, I suppose." Priyanka replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, there's a....HEY!" Greg exclaimed, finally realizing what Priyanka meant but not being too upset due to how happy everyone was. Including Steven himself.

Things weren't going to be easy. Life never is. But it was no doubt going to be worth it.

I wasn't a fan of how they had Steven leave Beach City a few months after his worst breakdown. I felt that it was a cop out and just unrealistic.












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