Bluebird's Rebellion/Loss of a friend

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*Statuts Report*

*Bluebird's rebellion caught us off guard. The Era 3 Rebellion was more than we thought. It was something we never saw coming. We thought it was over after all these years. We thought all of it was done. But anyway: The latest attack was nothing more than a mere skirmish. But there have been so many of them that it feels like they're just doing it on purpose to whittle us down. Even though we outnumber them, they are tactically picking us apart.*

"Connie?" A voice said as Pearl came in. The pale Gem looked torn from a fight as she took a seat on the tattered couch.

"Hey Pearl. Just finishing up the status report for Jasper. How are the others?" Connie asked. The once slender girl had changed a lot. Her hair grew back and she now kept it tied up. She had lost her parents in the attack from Bluebird's rebellion. But she knew she had a second home with the Gems and they were more than happy to take her in.

"It's at a stalemate. Even though these are skirmishes, it doesn't feel like either side is gaining ground. If only there was a way to turn the tide of battle in our favor." Pearl said with a sigh as Garnet and Amethyst came back inside, joining the two.

"I've always hated wars like these. There's no way of knowing which side will blink first. Not unless something unexpected happens to turn the tide. But...what? Even with my Future Vision, it's all a giant fog." Garnet said as Amethyst looked up at a familiar portrait on the wall.

"Does he know about any of this?" Amethyst asked as the others glared at her, knowing full well who she meant by "he".

"No. He doesn't need to know. He spent his whole life dealing with a war that he never should have been involved in and holding it on his back. He's finally free of all of this madness and I won't ruin that for him nor will I let that arrogant little runt of a fusion get her hands on him!" Pearl snapped as Garnet nodded.

"Steven is the reason we were finally at peace. He sacrificed so much for us.  Now we have to do the same for him. I'm not going to let Bluebird or anyone else drag him back into this! Ill be shattered before that happens!" Garnet snapped.

"That can be arranged, fusion." A voice filled with arrogance said as Bluebird appeared on a nearby monitor. How? How did she hack the temple's communication systems?!?

"What?!? How?!? How did you get through?!? How did you hack the Temple?!?" Connie exclaimed as Bluebird chuckled coldly.

"Of course I wouldn't expect a mere organic to know how. But even with this hack, it is limited. I'll lose the signal soon. But that's more than enough time to get my messgae across. You've got a choice: Tell me where your precious Steven is hiding or else things will get quite unpleasant." She replied as Pearl scoffed at the threat.

"Unpleasant like how? It's easy to talk big behind a screen." The Pale Gem shot back as Bluebird laughed.

"Ah well. I assure you: I can back up my threats. Oh Emerald? Be a dear and bring in those two Gems, especially that Peridot who was polite enough to hack the Temple system for us." Bluebird said as Emerald dragged in Peridot and Larimar, both were tied up.

"No! Peridot! Larimar! You little cockroach of a fusion! You better not hurt them or I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!" Amethyst roared as Bluebird simply chuckled.

"Oh my! An overcooked runt of a quartz threatening an elite Gem like myself? Oh that simply won't do! Well, I suppose I could forgive you if you tell me where Steven is. These two Gems lives are in your hands. If you give up Steven's location, I'll gladly let these two go." Bluebird replied as the Gems and Connie were in a lose-lose scenario.

"No....don't tell her where Steven is, you all. Don't...betray him like that. Not...after all he's done for us. been the best I could ask for. I felt what it was like to have a family. My life has been so wonderful...and it's all thanks to Steven. I love all of you so much. I...only wish I could have seen Steven one last time." Peridot said through pained groans as Bluebird laughed.

"You WANT to be shattered? Well this is quite new! Never have a seen such a thing! I must say: Your loyalty and "love" towards Steven is admirable. Like a Pearl to her Diamond. But unlike that situation, you're going to be shattered for it." The vile fusion said as Peridot glared at her.

"One last request. Surely one as elite and benevolent as you can grant a mere Peridot like myself that?" The Green Gem asked as Bluebird smirked.

"Very well. What do you wish?" She asked as Peridot motioned to Larimar.

"She means nothing to you. I'm more valuable to Steven and the Gems than Larimar is. She has nothing to do with any of this. So as my last request before I'm shattered, I ask that you let Larimar go free." Peridot asked as Bluebird chuckled.

"Ah. Well you may have a valid point. You seem closer to Steven and those defects than this Larimar. Very well then: Emerald! Comply with her request and set that Larimar free." Bluebird ordered as Emerald released Larimar.

"Peridot...thank you. But..." Larimar began to say..

"Shh. Don't worry about me. Like I said: My life has been wonderful. Listen. When you get out of here, go to where me and Lapis live. Then go in my room and look on top of my desk. There's something there that means the world to me. I want you to have it. It made me happy. And I want it to do the same for you." Peridot said as Larimar tearfully nodded and left.

"Finished your goodbyes, then?" Bluebird asked as Peridot glared at her.

"Do your worst, you Clod." The Green Gem replied as the Gems and Connie looked on tearfully as Emerald brought her weapon down upon Peridot's Gem...just as the feed from the hack cut off!

"PERIDOT!!! NO!! DAMN IT!!!" Amethyst sobbed as Pearl and Garnet hugged her. The Green Gem that was once their enemy had become family to all of them.

And losing her....was just too painful to bear.









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