College Life Ain't So Great

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(Narrator's POV)

The sound of Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" played through the Bluetooth earbuds of 21 year old Steven Universe as he walked through the halls of Empire City Tech to visit his girlfriend Connie Maheswaran. It was his first visit since she moved to a new dorm due to problems with a girl in her old dorm.

"Let's see: It should be right around here...." Steven began to say until he was stopped by a voice. A rather arrogant female voice.

"Hey. Who are you? And why haven't we met, cutie~?" The girl said as Steven looked at her. She certainly was far from ugly with her brown hair and hourglass figure. She was flanked by two other girls: One with black hair that was tied in twin tails and the other a blonde who was chewing bubble gum. They were your typical college snobs.

"Uh....I'm here to visit my girlfriend. You know Connie Maheswaran?" Steven asked as the girl giggled.

"'re the boyfriend I heard about. Steven, right? Gotta say: You look way more cute than I thought you would. And Connie talks you up. But looking at you, I have to wonder what you'd see in a girl like her. I mean, look at her: Barely developed body despite being 19, a plain jane if I ever saw one. Just saying: You can do soooo much better than her..." She said as Steven gave her a look.

"Listen. I don't know you, but as I said: Connie is my girlfriend and the only one I have eyes for, alright? So if you don't know where she is, then we have nothing to talk about." Steven said as he began to walk away just as an arrogant looking student stepped in front of him.

"That's rude. This beautiful girl is trying to show her admiration of you and you're just going to blow her off? Who do you think you are? What inbred family raised you---OOF!!" The student exclaimed as he suddenly found himself punched in the stomach and lifted off the ground by a now angered Steven.

"Listen. You don't know me or my family. So don't you EVER...." Steven began to say....

"Steven? Put him down. He isn't worth it. None of them are." A familiar voice said as Steven looked and saw Connie with a couple of other girls, most likely from her dorm.

"Uh...OK. Sorry, Connie." Steven said as he calmed down and let the arrogant student go.

"Wow. How'd you score someone like this, Maheswaran? He's WAY outta your league." The snobbish brunette said as she and her two friends left while laughing.

"Guess college life isn't much different than what you were dealing with when we met years ago, huh?" Steven said as Connie smiled.

"Ah they can say what they want. Maybe back then it would have broke me, but I'm completely different than I was when we met, Steven. And you know what? It's all thanks to you. I love you so much~" Connie said as she planted a peck on Steven's lips.

"I love you too, Connie." Steven replied.

"Hey. We're right here, you know!" One of Connie's friends said as they all laughed.

Yeah, I think when people imagine college life, they have a very fanciful idea of what it's like. Just saying: Connie isn't just going to have an easy time of it like so many believe. But she knows she has Steven to make it all better, so she'll be fine.







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