The Gems and Connie go "In" Steven's "Dreams"(Conclusion)

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"Whoa! The heck is going on?!?" Amethyst exclaimed as she and the others saw the world around them shift and change seemingly from night to day. The nighttime setting of the beach was fading and melting away and transitioning into a more brighter setting. It was as if the Gems and Connie were in the middle of a movie and the scenes were changing while they were stuck in time watching.

Soon, the setting had fully changed and they were all now in what looked like a woodland setting. A campground with a stream, trees and just an overall peaceful setting. Peridot and Lapis immediately recognized the setting, with the Green Gem grimacing a bit, knowing exactly what was going on.

"Is this Camp Pining Hearts? Why would Steven have nightmares about this?" Lapis asked as Peri looked away.

"Wait. Didn't you say strange things were happening here as well, Peridot? What were they?" Pearl asked as Peridot pointed over to an area where two men were, one of them looking very masculine and familiar....

"Well, THAT, for starters. Take a good look at that guy and tell me who you think that is." Peridot said. It was pretty obvious who the muscular man was.

"Uh...Does Steven have an ego? Because if that's how he sees himself in his dreams, then I may need to smack him back down to Earth." Amethyst says with a chuckle as Pearl and Garnet chuckle.

Connie wasn't as amused. "*sighs* Great. He hates himself to where he has to imagine himself as someone else. Why doesn't he get that we love him the way he is? I wouldn't want anyone else as my boyfriend." She said, causing everyone to look at her.

"BOYFRIEND?!? SINCE WHEN!?!" They all asked as Connie groaned and blushed. She had totally forgot that the Gems didn't know.

"Look. It was after the incident with Spinel and that's all you need to know for now." She replied as Lapis noticed that Steven and the other guy were going canoeing.

"Let's follow. Maybe we'll learn more." The Blue Gem said as the group followed the stream...and once again were befuddled at what they were looking at!

"What the?!? Is that Pineapple...YELLOW DIAMOND?!? And that Dolphin is Blue Diamond?!?" Amethyst exclaimed.

"That's not all. That's White Diamond's feet...and...wait...Spinel's Injector?!? Stars, this is worse than I thought...." Lapis said now worried even more about Steven's mental state.

"Wait! Look! The canoe where that other guy was! Is...that US?!?" Amethyst exclaimed as the group looked at the canoe next to Steven and sure enough there was Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl.

"We're part of his trauma? Oh" Garnet said sadly. Her worst fear was being the one who hurt Steven. And now that fear had seemingly come true.

"I know. We've messed up his life and his head so much..." Amethyst said sadly as Pearl held her. But Bismuth glared at both of them and Garnet in anger as did Lapis and Peridot.

"Stop it right now, all 3 of you! That's it right there: You 3 always made it about yourselves! All of you are guilty and have hurt Steven in some way! So how about you actually stop thinking of yourselves for once and think of him! That's what Rose wanted you to do from the beginning, right Pearl? All this time you 3 couldn't let go of her memory! I saw that for myself when I first met Steven when he unbubbled me! And look what's happned to Steven as a result!" The Builder Gem said.

"You're right, Bismuth. We have to....oh! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Connie exclaimed as the group looked and saw Steven back to normal with a dream version of Connie looking at him angrily...before she grew and turned into Obsidian!!

"IS THAT ME AS OBSIDIAN?!? NO....OH NO, STEVEN! LOOK OUT!!" Connie screamed as she rushed to get Steven out of the way of the Obsidian Connie's massive foot about to come down upon him...only for both the Obsidian Connie and Steven to vanish!

The Gems rushed over to see Connie on her knees.

"I....I hurt him too. That was me as Obsidian about to crush him.....I....*cries* can't believe I've hurt him too. Oh Steven....why couldn't we just talk about this?" The girl sobbed. But just as everyone began to process everything that had happened....


Everyone was back in the living room in the real world. Steven was still asleep on Patricia's lap.

"Hey. You're back. Did you all find anything out? What's wrong with Steven?" She asked as the Gems and Connie just looked at each other sadly. Not a word was said.

But after seeing what they saw. Seeing that each of them had hurt Steven in some way. What could be said?

A bit of a sad ending to this two part one shot.


















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