What She Doesn't Know....

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(Narrator's POV)

The crowd was gathered as the models from each city gathered for the Miss Teen Delmarva Pageant. The crowd was made up of different faces. Some were drooling guys while others(Such as Sadie) shook their heads.

"I wonder who the judges are?" Shep asked.

"I know two of them came from here. And the two of them picked the 3rd one." Sadie said.

"Hold on. Here's one now." Kiki said as the song "Dance Away" by Damn Valentines played as crowd and models saw Colby come out and take his seat at the judges table.

"Ashley is gonna murder him." Amethyst said with a snicker as Canibus' "2nd Round KO" played and out walked Eddie!

"You've gotta be kidding me! Eddie and Colby are the first two judges?!? No way...if they picked their 3rd judge.." Sadie said..

"No way. Steven's been gone for months now. WE haven't even heard from him." Amethyst said as Eddie and Colby then looked at the Gems before looking at the entrance.

"Dirty Angel" by Voodoo Johnson played as Amethyst, Sadie and damn near everyone else gasped as Steven walked out. His hair had grown and so had he, drawing a few flirty looks from the models.

"Steven?!? How'd he get roped into this?!? Hoo boy Connie's gonna kill Colby and Eddie for this!"  Amethyst exclaimed with a laugh as Steven, Eddie and Colby took their places at the judges table as Kofi Pizza took the stage.

"Thank you. And a special thanks to our....well....rather eclectic trio of judges. No offense, Steven, but I did NOT expect to see you here. What line did Colby feed you to get you to agree to this?' He asked as Steven simply chuckled.

"Well. I was in the area, so I figured why not?" The hybrid said as Kofi chuckled.

"Somehow I feel like there's more to the story but we'll circle back around to that. Now I'm sure you all in the crowd are here to see these lovely young ladies, so let's begin the pageant!" He exclaimed as the first young lady began her performance and speech. She looked at Steven and gave him a flirty wink.

"One of those times that I'm glad Connie isn't here. Come to think of it, I don't think she knows I'm doing this...." Steven said.

"Don't worry. Ashley doesn't know I'm doing this and Lauren doesn't know Eddie's doing this. We're in the same boat, Stets." Colby said as the next young lady came up and did her performance. At one point, she looked at the judges table and smirked before winking at Colby.

"Ah yeah. Let's let this be one of those things that we DON'T tell our respective girlfriends...." Colby said as Eddie shook his head.

"It's a pageant. They're going to find out at some point......" He said, feeling like he was the only realist at the table.

After all the performances, Kofi came up to the stage.

"Weren't they all amazing? But there can only be one winner. So judges, you boys have your work cut out for you." He said as Steven, Eddie and Colby all talked for a minute before making their picks for the winner as the crowd cheered once the winner was announced.


"How on Earth did Colby talk you into being a judge, Steven?" Sadie asked as Steven chuckled.

"OK. Fine, I'll come clean: It was getting boring on the road and I was in the area when Colby called. So that's how I ended up here." The hybrid said as Kiki giggled.

"Don't worry. None of us will tell Connie about this.... because she already knows. Hey Connie!" She said as Steven quickly looked behind him...only to find no one there.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Kiki." The hybrid said as he and his friends all laughed.

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