(Request) Steven Meets His Grandparents

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Requested by -xDiamond

*Text from Connie: I feel like one of us should have come with you.*

*Reply from Steven: I know. But I need to do this on my own. I'll tell you guys all about it when I get back.*

*Connie:Alright then. They'll accept you, Steven. I just know it. And even if they don't, you still have other humans who love you and always will.*

*Steven:I love you too, Connie*

That was the text chat Steven had before he arrived at the house of his grandparents. Despite Connie wanting to come with him, he had insisted that this was a path he needed to walk alone.  He knew what he had heard. But he wanted to find out for himself and felt that bringing anyone else would lessen that resolve.

"Here we are." Steven said as he pulled up to the house. Only this time, there was a vehicle in the driveway unlike last time. An old model Lincoln that looked like it was in great shape for its age. There was also a fishing boat attached to the back.

"They must be home this time. I can do this." Steven said, taking a deep breath as he approached the door and knocked a couple of times. After a couple of minutes, he assumed they had gone out in a different vehicle and began to walk back to his Dondai.

Suddenly, the door opened and an elderly voice said:

"Hello there. May I help you?"

Turning around, Steven saw an elderly woman. He was nervous but swallowed and introduced hismelf.

"Um...Hi. I'm Steven Universe. And....well my Dad is Greg Universe." He said as the woman looked at him. She then gasped.

"Wait a moment. You said Greg Universe. That's our son. He changed his last name after he left. Are you.....?" She then asked as Steven nodded.

"Yeah. I'm his son. Your Grandson."  He replied as the woman now had tears in her eyes as she hugged Steven.

"Oh my goodness. I thought we'd never get to meet you. I had hoped Greg would put aside his own anger towards us. He never even answered any letters from the family or any calls after him and Andy had it out. Your grandfather was furious." She said as Steven gasped.

"Wait. Dad never mentioned a fight with Uncle Andy. All he showed me were letters he sent you and you never even opened." He said.

"How did he even know they were never opened? We haven't seen him in years. Unless...ah. He used that old trick. We never did get that window fixed. He's been using it as an entry point for sneaking in and out for years. And yes it's true we never opened them. I feel like your father only told you one side of the story, Steven." The woman said as a man came up to the doorway and saw the two.

"I overheard. So this is our grandson? And from what I can tell, your father told you about us but left out a lot of details. Well, I'll tell you what: If you aren't too busy, come in and we'll fill in those holes in his story. There's 3 sides to every story, Steven: Your side, my side and the truth. And I believe your father only told you his side." Steven's grandfather said.

Steven thought about it. Why didn't his Dad mention a fight with Uncle Andy? It really did seem like he left out a lot of details. Details that Steven likely wouldn't get anywhere else.

"All right. I'll hear you out. Besides, this is the perfect time for me to get to know you." Steven replied as his Grandmother smiled.

"Wonderful! I'll make some cookies for us." She said as Steven followed them inside.

It was time to hear the truth.

Keep the requests coming guys.












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