Wise Words From Beyond The Stars

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(This one shot features my OCs)

(Narrator's POV)

A male and female had appeared in Little Homeworld. And judging by the looks of pure fear on the faces of Pearl, Garnet and even Bismuth and Lapis, it was clear to Steven that these were people from their past in some way.

The Gems looked absolutely frozen in fear as the male glared at them before looking at Steven with a look of confusion and frustration.

"So...this is Steven Universe, eh? Offspring of your former leader? And I bet you 3 are still so high up on her that you expect him to be another version?" He asked as the woman looked at Steven with a smile.

"Don't mind my husband. He's a lot like you, honestly. My name is Blair Corsona, first daughter of the Mystic House of Corsona. And this intimidating yet well meaning brute is my husband, Asriel Rellik, prince, or former prince as he prefers, of the Royal Sijic family." She said as Steven smiled.

"What?!? Asriel Rellik?!? As in the Sijic Prince Asriel Rellik? As in the "Reaper Prince"?!?" Peridot exclaimed in terror as she hid behind Lapis.

"Why are you here? It's been years since the War! What grudge could you still have?!?" Pearl exclaimed as Asriel and Blair just looked at the Pale Gem while Steven couldn't be more confused.

But it was clear that the terrified Gems were in fight or flight mode and they chose to fight.

Garnet had enough as she lept right at Asriel only for the Sijic to dodge and knee her in the gut before sending a kick right into the face of an incoming Pearl. He then slammed the both into each other just as Jasper managed to grab the Sijic's arms so Lapis could get a shot in....only for Asriel to headbutt Jasper, elbow her in the jaw, send a kick right into Lapis' jaw and then wheel and punch Jasper right to the ground before finishing Lapis with a knee strike!

In an instant, Asriel had taken down Garnet, Lapis, Pearl and Jasper with a few moves as Amethyst looked on with Peridot and Steven, all 3 too scared to move.

"(Ahem!)Have you finished or have you forgotten why we're here in the midst of your millennia long grudge, dear?" Blair asked as Asriel finally backed off at his wife's words.

"Why are you here? Other than to pummel us?" Garnet asked as Asriel chuckled before pointing at Steven.

"Him. He is of interest to the Sijics. You all know that our race archives every event that has ever happened in the Universe, right? Well imagine the interest in the first and only human Gem Hybrid." The Reaper Prince said.

"Oh come off it, my love. You know this isn't a matter of Sijic interest. You and Steven have much in common and you wanted to meet him. It's that simple." Blair said with a chuckle as Asriel looked away in frustration.

"You just wanted to meet me? Why didn't you just say that from the start?" Steven asked as Asriel looked at him.

"Well that would have happened if your rocks for brains family hadn't attacked me before I could say a blasted word!" He snapped as Amethyst looked angry but was held back by Bismuth.

"You know I had figured there were other races out there besides the Gems, so this is new to me to. And kind of exciting, to be honest. And you all have archived every event in the entire Universe? So does that mean....?" Steven began to ask until Blair stopped him.

"The Gem War? Yes. That is in the archives as well. As well as other things that you may not be aware of. But unfortunately we are not allowed to reveal such things without approval. So we can't reveal anything." Blair said as Steven sighed.

"Figured as much." He replied as Asriel shook his head.

"Really though. I have to know: Why do you still worry about that to begin with? After all you've accomplished, I'd assume you'd have moved on from whatever hold your mother has on your life. But then again, I guess constantly hearing about her would make it hard to forget about her." He said as Pearl glared at him before looking at Steven.

"Steven. Please understand: It was a difficult time for us after losing your mother...." She began to say....

"And you please understand that I'm tired of hearing that same old excuse. That's still no excuse for you and Garnet never shutting up about her!!!" Steven snapped, his skin turning Pink as Pearl backed off immediately.

"Steven, please calm yourself. It's not healthy for one as young as you to be so stressed out. That's the same problem Asriel here had in his younger years..." Blair said.

"Ugh. You just HAD to bring that up. Everyone expected me to be just like my father. They expected me to be him in every way. I hated it and him." Asriel said.

"That....sounds EXACTLY like what I went through. Pearl and the others expected me to be like Mom for years. And I hated it....." Steven said as Amethyst looked sad.

"But...I never.......(sighs) I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat." Amethyst said as she walked off.

And while Steven would normally be concerned, he was too excited to meet someone who was just like him.

"So how did you move past it? You're really strong, Asriel." Steven asked as Pearl and Garnet were silent but dumbstruck at how Steven seemed to just ignore how hurt Amethyst was.

"I decided not to care what anyone thought of me. I trained in different parts of the Universe, learned many different skills from different races and planets and became what you see in front of you now. I made my own path. Both of our lives have been a storm, Steven. But the only way to not be engulfed in the storm is to BECOME it. No one has to have a good view of you and you don't have to care. Once you realize that, you'll be a lot better off both emotionally and mentally. It'll be a massive weight off of you." Asriel said as Steven smiled.

"In other words: Don't focus on being the next Rose Quartz or Pink Diamond. Rather, focus on being the first Steven Universe. And I'd say you've done a good job of that." Blair said as Steven smiled proudly. This was the confidence boost he needed for a long time.

"Thank you both. I needed that." Steven said as Blair smiled.

"You're welcome. Now I feel like the Gems want to talk to us." Blair said as Steven nodded and left.

"So what was that about? Just to show us up? To make US look like the villains? Steven didn't even know who you were and yet you come and say all of that for what reason?" Pearl said with her arms crossed.

"Don't be bitter just because we did better at lifting his spirits up in a few minutes than you Gems have done in years." Asriel said as the two of them disappeared in a flash of light.

"Good riddance. The nerve of those two!!" Pearl snapped as Garnet sighed and shook her head.





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