Karma for Kevin

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Talia and Justice are OCs from my Connverse story "Fast Times At Beach City High".

(Narrator's POV)

"Connie! Hey!" Patricia called out as Connie pulled up with her Mom. It was going to be a day out with Patrica, Daniel, Connie as well as their other two friends Talia and Justice. However there was one more person that was supposed to be coming with them, but he hadn't shown up yet. And considering this person never goes back on his word unless he genuinely has to, it stands to reason why Connie was getting worried.

"Connie, he'll be here. You know he always comes through whenever he says he'll do something, especially when it comes to you." Priyanka said as Connie sighed.

If it wasn't obvious enough, the person in question was her boyfriend Steven. It had been months since anyone had seen him, but she and the Gems had been keeping in contact with him, so there was that at least.

As luck would have it, Connie was home from College and Steven just so happened to be in the area, so Connie asked him to come with her and her friends to look for some clothes for the upcoming Spring season. And because Steven couldn't say no to his girlfriend, he agreed to show up.

However, it was unlike him to be late and he was indeed that today, making Connie worry about what could have happened. Little did she know how quickly she'd get her answer as a familiar yellow Lamborghini pulled up to the group and an unwelcome face stepped out: Kevin.

"Hey there. And I gotta say: You're looking good, Maheswaren. Way better than you used to look and much too good for that loser Universe. Why not ditch that zero and get with a hero?" Kevin said as Connie, Talia and Justice rolled their eyes at the same time.

"I'm already with a hero and I'm currently staring at a zero. Get lost, Kevin. I've already got enough on my mind. And by the way, not that I care, but what happened to the grill of your car?" Connie asked.

"Some loser in some crappy retro Dondai was in front of me and didn't know how to drive, so I showed him the rules of the road. He ended up spinning out off the road! Serves him right!" Kevin said as Connie gasped. A Dondai? It couldn't be......?!?

"What?!! Where did this happen?!?" Connie exclaimed.

"Right down the road from here. Like, right on the outskirts of Beach City. That loser is probably still stranded out there." Kevin said as Connie looked at her friends who immediately got the message. They all just hoped they were wrong.

"What's the big deal? It was just some....wait a minute.... doesn't Universe drive a Dondai? Wai....HA! It was him I ran off the road!!!" Kevin exclaimed just as Greg's van pulled up and out walked none other than Steven, who was none too pleased about his Dondai being ran off the road.

The hybrid soon went into his "other" form(which he had gained control of during his time away) and approached a now terrified Kevin.

"Uh.....um....C-Come on Universe! It was an accident! I was just in a rush!!!! Hey Maheswaren! Tell your boyfriend to chill out!" Kevin pleaded.

"Steven? Don't pummel him.......(pulls out her phone) until I get my camera set up on my phone. Help me out here, Talia." Connie said as Kevin was now looking ready to soil himself.

Meanwhile, Steven has already grabbed Kevin by the collar and had him off the ground.

"OK.........Go!" Talia said as she, Justice, Patricia and Daniel all had their phones out as Steven beat Kevin down with a pair of punches, knocking the teeth out of the mouth of the arrogant jerk.

Afterwards, Steven calmed down back to his normal state as Connie kissed him.

"Glad you're OK." She said as Steven sighed.

"But how are we going to have our day out without a car?" The hybrid asked as Talia looked at Kevin's Lamborghini and noticed the keys in the ignition.

"Well since Kevin wrecked your ride, I'm sure he won't mind if we "borrow" his. Who's driving?" Talia asked as Steven smiled.

"I will. Least I can do for being late." He said as Justice stopped him.

"Hold on. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?" She asked as Steven looked at her before looking at Connie and chuckling.

"Fine. You drive, Justice." Steven said as they all got in Kevin's Lamborghini and drove off, leaving Kevin still out cold on the ground.





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