You Don't Know, Do You?

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He just wanted them to leave him alone. Was that too much to ask? Why did they have to pester him? Why did they have to try and force him to talk? Why couldn't they just back off?!?

All these thoughts were running through Steven's head as he sat on the couch, the Gems and his Dad looking at him and wanting a response of some kind.

"Steven. These Pink Outbursts you've been having are out of control. What's wrong and why won't you tell us?" Pearl asked as Steven just looked at her.

"Why does it matter to you?!?" Steven snapped as everyone jumped a bit.

"Steven, You don't have to take that tone with me! I'm simply asking a question! Now would you tell us what's wrong?" Pearl asked.

"Pearl. Maybe this isn't the best idea. I mean, don't you think forcing it out of him will make it worse?" Amethyst asked.

"Amethyst, Steven crashed the van with Greg in it! Regardless of what happened...." Pearl began to say.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Steven yelled, a shockwave sending the Gems and Greg back! When they recovered, they gasped at what they saw.

"I'm warning you: Leave me alone. It never mattered when it was alll about YOUR problems. When I asked for your help, you never were there. when I'm at my suddenly start to care?!? STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Steven yelled, his bubble fists summoned as he glared at his family.

"Steven! We just want to help you! Please calm down! There's no need for this at all!" Pearl exclaimed as she tried to reason with the enraged and unstable hybrid. But Steven wasn't in a mood to listen anymore.

"Help me? Are you serious?!? You waited all this time without doing a thing unless it was about you and your problems and NOW you want to help?!? Now you expect me to just trust you with my problems after you all just pushed them away like they didn't matter to you?!? NO! I'M NOT LETTING ANYONE HURT ME AGAIN! NOT YOU 3 OR ANYONE ELSE!!!" Steven yelled with such force that it sent all of them outside!

"What the Clod is going on?!?" Peridot exclaimed as she, Lapis, Bismuth and Connie looked at the Gems before looking at a pissed off Steven, who had his spiked bubble fists ready for a fight.

"What the?!? Steven, what happened?!? Why do you look ready to hurt the Gems?!? Please just tell me!!" Connie pleaded as Steven glared at her.

"This has nothing to do with you. Stay out of it. That goes for you guys as well." The hybrid said in an angered voice towards Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth, all 3 who were just as confused. What could have possibly happened that could have brought Steven to this point? Why did he suddenly want to hurt Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl?

"Steven, all I was trying to do was--" Pearl began to say until...

"Enough, Pearl! I may not know what's going on, but I have a funny feeling that you caused it by not knowing when to shut your mouth!!" Lapis snapped as Pearl looked outraged.

"Listen, Steven. We may not know what's going on, but...."Bismuth began to say...

"Heh. Exactly. You don't know what's going on." A voice said as everyone looked and saw Jasper with a smirk on her face.

"But then again, when do any of you ever know what's going on? Especially when it comes to Steven?" She asked, angering Amethyst.

"Oh shut up, Jasper! We know better than you do!!" She snapped.

"Yet none of you can figure out why he looks ready to fight you? A fight, which I can tell you right now you won't win. Steven's powers....they've become more than what any of you can handle. Yet all you've done is hold him back out of fear that he'd reach this level. He doesn't need any of you. He doesn't need anyone to hold him back anymore." Jasper said as Connie had heard enough.

"Enough ALREADY! You don't have any right to make any type of decisions when it comes to Steven, Jasper!" She snapped as Jasper chuckled.

"And you're telling me you do? That's a joke, right? I thought Spinels were made to be the fools of the court, but a human like you would do just fine as well." She said, laughing at an even more angry Connie before looking at Steven.

"They aren't worth your time or energy. Let them live. No need to waste the energy on such lowly beings." Jasper said.

"Lowly beings?!? I've got your lowly beings right here, ya--!" Amethyst said, charging at Jasper....


Only to be dropped by a punch from Steven, much to the shock of everyone else.

"Steven...why?!?" Greg exclaimed as they all watched the hybrid walk away with Jasper as Amethyst was on the ground with tears in her eyes....

A dark one shot. My first one shot in a while, actually. I'll be updating this book more often.








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