Steven Meets Takashi

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"Let's see: Milk, Eggs and...well that's it. Oh! Tea for Pearl and some coffee for Garnet. Oh and the hardware store for Peridot." Steven said as he ran some errands for the Gems. Since deciding to stay home rather than travel, he's been rather bored. But hey: Better than being corrupted or on edge.

However, it wasn't all good: Steven had been dating Connie, but due to her finding a college a long way from home, the two were forced to break up and this brought Steven down quite a bit, much to the concern of the Gems.

So today, in order to get him to go outside and because they needed some errands done anyway, Garnet sent Steven out to pick up a few items.

"OK. So far, so good. Now to head to the hardware store to...." Steven began to say until a yell stopped him.

"Heh. I don't know what you're saying, babe, but I like my girls feisty! Why don't you ditch that zero you're with?" The voice of Kevin could be heard saying as him and his boys were harassing a girl who was protecting a boy who was on the ground. The girl was shouting at Kevin in a different language.

"Those jerks. *sighs* I know I shouldn't go into that form again. But I can't stand Kevin or jerks like him." Steven said as he felt his anger and frustration take control as his powers reacted in kind...


"*Kuso ttare, kuso ttare!??*" The girl snapped as Kevin just laughed even more.

"Oh come on, babe. You don't know what you're missing..." He said until..

"Actually, I think she does. That's why she wants you to back off." A voice said as Kevin chuckled.

"That better not be you, Universe or I swear I'm gonna break your--" Kevin began to say until he turned around and went dead silent.

It was indeed Steven he saw....

But not how he EXPECTED to see him

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But not how he EXPECTED to see him.

"W-what?!? Uh....hey there Universe!! Didn't even see you there!" Kevin said nervously, stuttering over each word as Steven glared at him and his friends as the boy and girl looked on with smirks on their faces.

"Do you need some help leaving, Kevin? Because I may be a nice guy, but I don't take too kindly to someone who treats women like garbage. That's where I want to hurt that person. Know what I mean?" Steven said as Kevin backed up in fear, tripping and falling on his butt.

"Y-You won't hurt me! That alien freak family of yours won't let you hear the end of it! Everyone knows all you care about is keeping them happy and you hate disappointing them! What do you think they'll say---" Kevin began to ask until...

"Actually, I'd say "Why didn't you invite me to help wreck this guy?" And I'm sure Garnet and Pearl would agree." The Voice of Amethyst said as Steven looked and saw her, Lapis and Peridot nearby. No doubt making sure Steven wouldn't suffer any repercussions from the beating he was about to inflict on Kevin.

"Well. That answers your question, Kevin. But you know what? These two are newcomers and I don't want them seeing a fight and getting the wrong idea about Beach City. So how about you just leave them and everyone else alone....*suddenly grabs Kevin by the collar* Or you'll see just how much of a "monster" I can be." Steven said in a dark voice, his Diamond eyes piercing Kevin's very being as the hybrid allowed the older teen to run off with his tail between his legs in fear!

Steven smiled as he calmed down and turned back to normal as he looked at the girl and boy, the latter having gotten back up.

"Dōmo arigatō, sutībun" The girl said as Steven looked a bit confused.

"'re welcome?" He replied.

"Whoa. You speak Japanese?" The boy asked as Steven shook his head.

"No. That was just a lucky guess. Anyway, you two alright? Sorry about Kevin. He's the town jerk." Steven said as the girl lauged.

"I can see that. Anyway, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Hikari and this is my boyfriend Takashi Kiryu. It's nice to meet you, Steven. Glad we finally met and I'm even happier that Takashi-kun now knows someone who's like him." Hikari said as Steven looked confused.

"Huh? Like me? What do you mean?" Steven asked as Takashi chuckled and showed Steven the Gem on his body, causing the hybrid to gasp.

"No. Way. You're a hybrid like me? Wow...this is great!" Steven said happily as Takashi laughed.

"Yeah. My Mom was a Citrine. In fact, me being a hybrid is why that Baka Kevin and his friends came after us. They saw me using my powers and came at us. Normally I'd be able to kick their teeth down their throat. But I'm trying to live a normal life, y'know? My powers are what got me in trouble back home." Takashi explained as Steven smiled and extended his hand.

"Well let me welcome you, then. Us hybrids have to stick together, right?" Steven said as Takashi smiled and shook Steven's hand.

"You know it. It's nice to meet you, Steven-san." Takashi replied.

"Indeed it is, Steven-chan." Hikari said with a giggle as Steven shook his head.

While the "san" and "chan" would take some getting used to, he was glad to have made two new friends.

Finally got off my ass and had my hybrid OC Takashi make his long awaited debut! What do you guys think of him and Hikari?








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