Can't let go of the past

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12 year old Aliyah Peridot Diamond Universe, daughter of Steven and Peridot, was looking out at the ocean from the porch. She came out to relax after having it out with Grandma/Aunt Pearl again.

Even inside, the fight was still going on between her and Aunt Garnet.

"ENOUGH, PEARL! YOU HAVE TAKEN THIS TOO FAR FOR TOO LONG! YOU WILL NOT TREAT ALIYAH THE SAME WAY YOU TREATED STEVEN! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!" The fusion yelled as Pearl screamed in frustration as she stormed outside, shoving past Aliyah, who let out a small "Oof" as the angered Pale Gem stomped off to wherever just as Garnet came outside to check on the 12 year old.

"Are you alright? Did she hurt you?" The fusion asked as Aliyah sobbed into Garnet's embrace.

"Aunt Pearl hates me! She's the reason Dad and Mom don't want to come here to see you all! If it wasn't for me being born...." The hybrid girl cried as Garnet kissed her forehead and ran a hand through her blonde hair.

"Your father and mother were very clear with each other when you were born. They wouldn't keep anything from you regarding your Gem heritage. Despite how horrible Pearl has been about this, it says a lot about how much your father in particular loves you that he'd be willing to put up with Pearl just so you could get to know us." The fusion said as Aliyah smiled.

"Hey! There's my baby girl." A voice called out as Steven and Peridot came back from their outing, prompting Aliyah to run into her parents embrace. But Steven could easily tell something had happened.

"Hey. Go with your mother. I'm gonna talk to Aunt Garnet, OK?" Steven said, kissing Aliyah on the forehead.

"Hey." Peridot pouted as Steven chuckled and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before going to talk to Garnet. Once Steven and Garnet went inside...

"What did Pearl do this time? This got old ages ago, Garnet. What is it with her? And please don't give me that "she's still grieving" crap!" Steven snapped as Garnet sighed.

"I know. There's no excuse for Pearl's actions towards Aliyah. It's gotten so ridiculous. And rest assured: Amethyst and Lapis don't like Pearl's attitude either." The fusion said.

"I know Auntie Lazuli and Auntie Ame don't like how their little Ali is being treated." Steven said with a chuckle as Garnet smiled.

"You know they don't. But you need to keep your own anger in check, Steven. Aliyah and Peridot both rely on you and you can't go at Pearl in front of them, understood?" She said as Steven nodded.

"I understand. *phone buzzes* Oh. That's Peridot. I'll see you later, Garnet. Love you." Steven said as he gave Garnet a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Garnet looked up at an old picture of her, Steven, Amethyst and Pearl.

*I love you too, Steven. And I'm so proud of the person you've become.*







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