Chapter 2 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 2

Kallie's POV

Just then my phone started to buzz. "Umm give me a second, I'll call Kara-Beth and see if that sounds okay." I stepped into the kitchen to answer my phone. I looked at my caller I.D. to see the name *Kare Bear* flash across my screen. "Hey Kara!" I said cheerfully into the phone. "Hey I got your message, and I'm craving McDonald's right about now!" I laughed at my friend who always sounds like she is dying without food. "What's so funny?" Kara asked, yet she sounded so serious. "Nothing" I replied still half laughing. "Anyways, you up for McDonald's or not?" Kara asked again. "Well, my mom and James want to know if we wanna go to eat with them? she said that they've got some important news." That's when my thoughts started to wonder off. Wondering what they had to tell me? Then I started to hear yelling. "Kallie if you don't answer me right now, I promise I will figure out a way to slap you straight across that pretty little face of yours!" "Sorry Kara my thoughts got the best of me" I blushed with embarrassment even though I was by myself. "Smooth Kallie, but anyways like l was saying, going with your mom and James sounds ok." I sighed in relief, knowing I wasn't going to be alone with whatever news they had. "Okay great, I'll be by your place to pick you up in a bit" "okay see you in a then Kallie bug!" I disliked her with a strong passion when she called me that, so I decided to call her the name I have her saved in my phone as. " Bye Kare bear!" I then heard more yelling, so I hung up. I walked back into the livingroom to let my mother know we are going, and to see where to meet them. "So are you and Kara-Beth coming?" My mom questioned. "Yeah we are actually, I told her I would pick her up so we can just meet you guys there. Where exactly is there though?" James spoke " We are going to red lobster, be there by 8. Got it?" When he spoke, he spoke with a rage and very commanding tone. I just nodded, picked up my purse, keys, and phone without another word. When I reached my car I checked my clock, 6:50pm, I then decided to text Kara and let her know I was heading to her house. When I pulled up to Kara's house, I honked the horn twice and she came running out to my car. She was dressed in denim blue shorts, she had on a pink T-shirt, the front of her shirt had a mustache on it and read: I mustache you a question, then back said: but I'll shave it for later. Kara then jumped into the car, and we made our way to red lobster.



So I had some extra free time, and figured I'd finished up chapter 2 and post it! hope you guys like it! I will be getting to the part where she meets Harry, in the next chapter, if not definitely chapter 4! you should also go read my friend Kaley's book. its called Nobody's perfect and that's okay! or search for kaleyfaith! Thanks!



Xx-Kendra C:

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