Part 2 / Chapter 35 (Harry styles fanfic)

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"They say if the first tear falls from your left eye, your crying because your in pain, Somebody hurt you, or maybe your just scared. Although if it comes from your right eye, your crying of joy, pure happiness. Though... is this really true?"


Chapter dedicated to:




Chapter 35

****Harry's POV****

"James and Jake escaped prison .."

No. Not those dipshits again. "How?!" I asked Kallie, knowing she probably had no ieda either. "Im not sure. My mom just called me." She told me. "Well do the police know where they are?" I asked in a rushed manner. Kallie shook her head no. Ughh, well at least they don't know where I live. But heck, If they escaped prison they could probably find my flat with no problem.

I was brought from my thoughts when Kallie spoke, "Harry? Can we go back to the flat? Im not feeling to good anymore." "Yeah. Lets go." I helped Kallie up, pushing our chairs under the table before we left. "Hey lads I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." They all sent understanding nods before I lead Kallie to the car outside.


When we finally reached the flat, Kallie went straight upstairs. I heard the shuffling of her feet, then the sound of running water. She was getting into the shower. I learned whenever she got upset, whether she was mad, sad, or confused. She liked to take long steamy showers.

I decided to take advantage of Kallie being in the shower. I took out my phone and hit one of my speed dial number. After about three ring they answered the phone.


"Paul." I spoke soft, not wanting Kallie to hear.

"What's up?" He questioned.

"Paul. We might have a slight problem.." I said, my voice trailing off at the end.

"Harry whats wrong? Are you and Kallie okay?" He asked sounding a bit concerned.

"Yeah well fine for now. I've got some news you will never believe."

"Well spit it out child!" He half yelled.

"Jake and James escaped prison." I stated still shocked by the news myself.

"What!? How? Whe-"

He was cut short by the sound of Kallie coming down the stairs. "Harry who are you talking to?" She was still in her towel as she stood halfway down the staire case looking at me. I shook me head after I realised I had been staring. "Uhmm just one of the lads, go ahead and go back upstaires love, I'll be up in a sec." She nodded her head and went back to the bedroom.

"Sorry Paul. I'll have to chat with you a bit later. I've gotta get to Kallie." I finally spoke getting back to him.

"Okay, I understand. Watch your backs until we finish up this conversation." Paul spoke with consern laced fully in his voice now.

"Will do. Cya paul." and with that, the line went dead.


After getting off of the phone with Paul, I had been upstairs and gotten a shower. I was now laying in bed with Kallie trying to comfort her. I was rubbing circles in the small, lower part of her back while humming. She layed comfortably with her head on my chest, her arms lazyly thrown across my bear stomache, and our legs tangled together.

"Harry?" She softly spoke while tilting her head "Im scared. What if they come looking for me and my mom?" I felt her tense up. I looked down to see a single tear fall from her left eye. I was quick to wipe the tear and tighten my grasp around her waist. "Babe, don't be scared. I promise you I will never let anyone hurt you. I love you so much." I gently kissed her forehead.

"Promise?" She asked me, her eyes full of pain, guilt, and hope. "I promise." I kissed her nose before she layed her head back down on my chest and drifting back off to sleep.



Guess whos back?! This chick! I would have updated sooner but school has been in the way. Summer reading and schedule pick up! ughh ! school starts friken Monday! grrr! ohh and i did take personal days as i call it to catch up on my own fanfic reading.. heheh! well hopfully updates will get better! haha any ideas for me though let me know! oh and sorrry about it being short! I just really felt the need to update! so be happy (: Well I guess thats it peeps! BYYEEEEEE!

Xx-Kendra C:


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