Chapter 12 (Harry Styles FanFiction)

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Chapter 12

****Kallie's POV****

I had just gotten from out of the shower. Wrapped my hair in another towl I brought in, and wrapped the one I dryed off with around my body. I closed the shower curtains, and then headed to my room to change.

When I entered my bedroom, I walked straight to my dresser to find a bra and a pair of underwear to wear. I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out a white bra with black lace and sparkels. Next I pulled out a pair of matching underwear, but it was black with white lace lineing them.

" I like your choice of style." I suddenly heard. I turned to see Harry sitting in my chair in the corner of my room. " Gosh Harry! You scared the crap out of me." I said a bit shocked. "Sorry love. I thought you saw me." Harry replied his voice full of sarcasem, then he chuckled.

"Well what are you doing in her?" I questioned him. "Well your, mom hasn't finished drying my cloths, and I'd rather not walk around your house half naked." he smirked. I nodded in understandment, but then I guess my hormones got the best of me because I started to observe Harry again.

However this time, because he was half naked, I could see his torso and I couldn't seem to control the urge to want to touch his abs. Harry was so fit, he was very muscular and to me that is a total turn on. Ugh! Can you say sexual frustration.

Suddenly I heard a voice,"Like what you see?". "Mmmhhhmmm." I said basically drooling over the sight in front of my eyes. Then I heard someone laughing. Harry. "Oh my gosh. Did I really just say that out loud?" I questioned. "Oh yeahhh, but hey its okay your body isn't to bad itself. "

Harry then looked me up and down and began to lick his lips. I rolled my eyes and walked to my closet to find something to wear today. "So you can do it but I can't? " he asked me. "Yupp!" I replied popping the 'P' at the end.

He chuckled. I then again resumed looking for something to wear. "Let me pick out your outfit. pwease!" Harry begged. I turned and looked at him. He had his lip pouted and was giving me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help it, I face in." Fine, but pick me out something causel but comfey. Got it?" "yupp" he said popping the 'p' at the end mocking me.

Harry stood and walked over to my closet and started looking for an outfit. Within about 5 minutes, Harry had pulled out something for me to wear. " How about this?" he said asking for my approval. Harry had picked out a pair of blue denim shorts and a Southern Marsh t-shirt.

"I like your style." I smirked. "Well it is my last name." he responded. "Harry! Your clothes are dry!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. "Well I guess I'm going to go get changed see you in a bit?" he asked. "See ya in a bit." I smiled.

Harry then set my clothes down on my bed and hurried downstairs to get changed. I took advantage of him leaving to change. After I changed, I put on some gray vans and went into the bathroom to put on some makeup.

'Knock knock' someone was at my door. "come in" I called out to the person at the door. I heard my door open and then close, then someone walking my way. "Hey girly." It was Kara-Beth. "hey!" I sounded kinda funny considering I was putting on mascara with my mouth wide open.

"So how in the world did you meet this Harry Guy?! He is like a total hottie!" Kara-Beth was totally flipping out about him. "It was after I dropped you off the other night. I went to the park." I stated simply, now trying to fix my hair by putting some moose in it. "Ladies! let's go! It will be dinner by the time you're finished!" my mom once again called up. I sighed, dried my hand, and then me and Kara ran downstairs to leave.



So guys what do you think? like? I made it longer since I haven't updated at all this week. So how about some feedback!? It would be great! I feel like im talking to myself! Well if you think about it, I kinda am. Depressing. Danceline stuff starts next week! pray for me! Well thanks anyway!



Xx-Kendra C:

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