Part 2 / Chapter 37 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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"Bad things happen to you to make you realize your true potential, strength, will power & heart. Have faith & stay strong"

Chapter 37

Harry's POV

I was still sitting on the soft black couch in the center of the living room. I was wrapped in Kallie's blanket with tears slowly streaming down my face. I was still in shock over what had happened.

'It was your fault,' this tiny little voice kept repeating, 'You shouldn't have left her alone.' I wiped the tears from my face, stood and went to the bathroom downstairs to take a couple of pain killers. Not enough to kill me but just enough to numb the pain and thoughts. 'So now you have to get rid of the thought of you letting her get taken. You could have stopped it Harry.' the voice spoke again. "I didn't know he knew where she was." I finally spoke. Tired of listening to that stupid voice in me head.

After taking the medication I splashed some water on my face trying to wake me up. 'tsk.tsk.tsk. Harry, I figured you would have known better. Why didn't you just take her with you when went to go meet up with Paul and Louis? In fact why did you lie to her in the first place?' the little voice kept going. Shouting questions.

My Frustration grew with the rambling voice. And as soon as I heard 'Why did you lie to her in the first place?' I cracked. I clenched my fist tightly and Shouted aloud " I didn't want her getting hurt!" then suddenly glass was everywhere. My left hand was in excruciating pain and oozing blood.

'So you didn't take her cause you didn't want her getting hurt. But look what happend... If you think about it, wouldn't she be happy that the man she loves is trying to keep her safe? Well buddy, now she is counting on you to save her. Maybe this will boost yourself...Good luck.' the word kept repeating over and over again but slowly fading out after one another. I let out distraught/defeated sigh. The little voice in me head was right. I let this happen. Gosh I'm such a dick.

I walked to the closet in the bathroom grabbing two wash cloths, one blue the other Brown. I walked back to the sink, making sure to avoid any glass, then cut on some warm water. I ran the brown one under the water leaving the blue on dry. I started wiping the blood away. Getting impatient I cut the water back on and stuck my whole hand under the water. Immediately I regretted that. I got a crucial stinging sensation, I grinded my teeth knowing I needed to rinse the blood away. After rinsing the blood away I wiped my hand with the dry blue wash cloth then tied it around my knuckles to slow bleeding.

I then walked downstairs to grab my broom. When I reached the bathroom again, I quickly swept the floor. As I was sweeping I failed to noticed the group of people standing at the bathroom door. After I trashed the mirror shards I looked up to see all the lads, perrie, El, Paul and his security friends from when we got Jake and James arrested.

They where looking back and forth between the broken mirror and my bandaged hand. I gently pushed past everyone and made my way downstairs. I put up the broom away and grabbed my keys. I walked to the closet near my front door that held all of my coats and pull overs. I shut the closet door after pulling out my hoodie and then pulled the dark colored hoodie over my head.

As I started to open the door I was stopped by the sound of my bestfriends voice "Where the Hell are you going?!". "To the hospital." I state nonchalantly. "Uhhh... Why?" he asked unknowingly. "I need some stiches." I held up my left hand showing the wrapping around it. Louis sighed, "Guys stay here. I'm gonna go with with him. When we get back we will be discussing current issues." Everyone nodded their heads and began walking towards the livingroom and kitchen.

"Lou.." I started but was cut off. "Nope. I'm going. No if, ands, or buts." I nodded knowing he wasn't changing his mind. "Your welcome to anything in the kitchen." I shouted into the house out of common curtisey. "I was going to help myself either way!" Niall shouted back. Earnings chuckles from everyone.

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